Chapter Two - Secrets and Memories

Start from the beginning

The deep sigh that left her mouth felt like a breeze against her hands that were clenched tight around the steering wheel. "Get it together, Mal."

Alexander King. The man she was about to see was the reason that sleep eluded her. Lately, an old painful memory resurfaced and the guilt that came with it was eating at her.

She thought she'd buried it deep inside, but now and then the flash of an infant's face echoed from the depths of her mind. It took great strength for her to not dwell on those precious few thoughts she had.

Eleven years ago, when Malika was just nineteen, she'd fallen pregnant to her then beau Alexander King. The baby she carried was not one she'd ever expected, but it was one she ultimately carried to term and wanted with all her heart.

But it wasn't to be.

Knowing what kind of world awaited the child if Malika kept her, she did what she could to shield her from the world. She wanted to ensure the baby grew up away from the politics of her family, away from the constant dangers of the world she'd inherited. Malika placed her daughter in the care of a close friend. Somewhere her family would never look.

Only one other person knew of the baby, Malika's sister Cerise. She was with Malika throughout her entire pregnancy and knew the price she would pay once the child was placed in safe arms. Her sister, who she affectionately called Cherry, had her memories replaced to depict the pair doing something different. The memories Cerise had of the baby had been painted over to ensure no one ever found out.

If Malika's standing as the next Queen of Fae was a lightning rod for danger, then Alexander King's family was the lightning, the thunder, the gale force winds and the entire storm around her. Malika was light fae, while Alexander and his family were dark fae. Although Alex had proven himself many times before he had made it clear to Malika that he didn't want anything more with her than a casual fling. She was alright with that till she found out she was pregnant then everything was about her child.

Finding a mindless song to listen to on her car radio did wonders to distract her from her thoughts. The drive was eaten up by cheesy 90s pop music and alternative rock. Her taste in music was varied, but she liked it that way.

Parking her car as close to the scene as possible, she made her way towards the sea of people gathered. Unable to make out the entire scene, she pushed her way to the front in time to see Olivia and Percival speaking to Alexander.

When a set of stormy grey eyes locked with Malika's she felt herself slipping. All it ever took was a glance in her direction. Making her way towards the trio who were now all looking at her to hurry, she did so.

"Morning." Malika nodded her head at her three companions. Barely turning to acknowledge Alexander, she tried her best to keep her focus on Olivia and Percival.

"Apologies my lady. We didn't mean to keep you waiting." Percival inclined his head slightly. In a public place with humans around, it was impossible for the pair to bow or curtsy to her without causing a scene.

"No need to apologize. You're here now, aren't you?" With a tight smile, she implored one of them to keep talking.

"What we've gathered about the situation so far," Percival lifted the barrier for the pair to duck under. "Well, so far it's a bag of body parts, most of it seems to be hands and feet so we're looking for more than one victim."

Perci paused for a moment before Olivia picked it up and carried on. "The parts they've removed so far all have markings on them."

A mention of markings caught Malika's attention, "can I see?"

With a single nod, Olivia turned and beckoned for her to follow while Percival and Alexander stayed behind.

"Do you think your mother would know what the symbols mean?" Olivia asked Malika over her shoulder. Her hair was dark brown in the early morning sunlight, her skin kissed by the sun, but it was her eyes that always garnered the most attention. Despite Olivia being a detective, it was her hetero-chromatic eyes that often drew the most questions.

A small smile lingered at the corner of Malika's lips, "there are three things my mother does not deal with." The grin faltered a little, "death, dirty work and any kind of symbology. Ask her about anything in our world and she can tell you without hesitation but symbols and their meaning. No, that is left to me."

"I guess it makes you useful to her." The sentence floored Malika and had Olivia stammering for a coverup. "Not that your worth only lies in your knowledge. I mean, given everything about you," Malika held up a hand and instantly silenced Olivia.

"It's fine, Oli. I know you didn't mean it in a malicious way. My mother is an interesting woman. We all know that." It was difficult not to know the sometimes peculiar nature of Elenora Hawthorne.

The pair arrived at the mouth of a gazebo erected to keep the gruesome sight from the public. After speaking to the officer at the door, they were both granted access.

There were six people crammed inside around a small table when the women entered. Two small flood lights stood in opposite corners illuminating a table in the center. The body parts had been removed from the bag and were now being examined.

"Everyone out for a moment. Get some air, stretch your legs." The voice was firm and unrelenting, but those who had been excused left with no further question.

"Malika, this is the Chief of Police Jubair Mansouri."

The man extended his hand momentarily, and Malika greeted him with as much warmth as she could muster. She didn't know how or why, but he was familiar to her in some way.

"It's an honour to meet you Malika." Again his voice drew some sort of familiarity from her but she knew she'd never set eyes on him before.

"He knows about you, about us and our world." The words left her mouth without hesitation, which alarmed Malika more than it should have.

"How?" The shaky question from trembling lips was met with a bright stare from Jubair.

"It's a long story best kept for another time, but my family were once part of the High Fae. We were exiled from the Council of the High Fae for the theft of an item. Though it was never proven my ancestors took it, we were still removed from a seat of power along with a couple of other prominent families." The way he spoke, the careful placement of his words alerted Malika to the fact that he was telling a form of the truth.

"There were five families removed. Mansouri, Montcroix, Nikkanen, Perovski, and the Hawthorne family." Malika knew Jubair's surname well, but he himself had somehow left an impression on her even before they met.

"Ah," his deep voice hummed, "so Elenora has had you learn our ancient history."

A deep scowl marred Malika's face for a moment before she took control of her emotions and straightened. "Of course she had me learn, I am the heir to her throne after all."

The surprised stare from Jubair in response to her statement unsettled Malika. "Is that so? I thought the throne would pass to the first male in your family."

"You clearly know little about the throne if that's what you think." Though she hadn't meant to, her response was short and snappy.

"Uh, boss." Olivia interrupted. "I don't think we have time for this. Didn't you need her to look at something?"

As if shaking himself from a daze, Jubair smiled at Malika and motioned towards the table in front of him. "I hear you're a bit of an expert when it comes to fae symbology?"

Glancing down at the table in front of her, Malika's breath caught in her throat. "This isn't good."

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