Izula explains about One For All to her squad

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Izula knows both Shoto and Touya enjoyed the video making her to ignore it, but she keeps thinking about One For All and that she should tell her squad about it as she can't hide it like she did in the other dimension really as she can't this time really.

Even now with hugs, pats on the back and other warm interactions she might get from classmates, a fair amount of her physical contact came in the form of blows she might take in hero training or during villain attack.

There were also occasions that she took a few hits because some of the very people who embraced her reacted emotionally to something she said or did and not that the others were wrong when they did that. Izula was some examples to that one fully really.

Like how Tenya thought he'd been going after the villains for reasons comparable to why he chased Stain. Whatever the reason, she could never be sure what to expect when other people reached out to touch her. There was a part of her that was almost always on guard, expecting that next blow.

Because of this, when someone actually did touch her and she wasn't ready for it, it startled her. But when Izula felt the gentle touch start to lift away, she surprised herself by placing her own hand over her girlfriend's, holding it there. Despite being shocked by the unexpected touch, it actually felt nice... safe, kind, reassuring.

She only ever got feeling that from a few people in her life, but she could now add one more to that short list. Izula leaned into the touch, her eyes stinging as she finally dared to glance upward. She knew that whatever happened next, that she wasn't about to be rejected by Hitoshi.

Izuku could trust her and her squad to have her back really like she'll have their back as Hitoshi's image was blurry through tears Izula tried to hold back. It was only then that she realized she had been fully hyperventilating.

"S-s-sorry, old h-habit." Like the stuttering. Tonight had taken a lot out of her.

"Panic attacks and flinches aren't 'habits', Izu." Hitoshi said as she gently lift Izula's face to be eye to eye.

"Take a moment. Just breathe." Izula nodded and the tears started. She quickly proceeded to wipe them away with the hand she had previously used to hold Hitoshi's hand where it rested on her shoulder. The attempt proved to be a pointless as new tracks quickly replaced the ones she'd swiped away.

"I was supposed to stop crying so much."

"If crying helps, then do it. You don't need to put on a fake smile for me." It took a moment for Izuku to process Hitoshi's words. And, understanding that she was being told it was alright, a dam broke within her chest, emotions she'd kept behind it overflowing.

There was so much she shoved back, so she could smile for everyone else. For the first time in maybe her whole life, she was encouraged to show how she felt. A whine escaped her throat as her tears flowed faster and sobs began to wrack her body. It had been a long day.

So much that she'd strived for ever since she was little had all come to a head in the last few hours. Today, she had gotten her hero license, one thing that were the culmination of dream she had throughout her childhood really.

There'd also been suffering she couldn't do anything about. She'd crushed the dreams of others in the field in order to achieve her own, even as they begged and pleaded. She was just told it was okay to express how she felt about it all...

It was so much... Too much. And she couldn't deal with it all. At some point, Izula realized she now had her arms wrapped around Hutoshi's ribs and was crying into her right shoulder. Hitoshi didn't stop her. Izula wasn't sure how long it lasted before she finally calmed down, the flow of tears coming to an end for the moment.

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