Day Sixteen;

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I woke up before Wes the next morning.  His curtains were closed, but I could see the sun barely seeping through them.  I leaned over and grabbed my phone from the bedside on my side to check the time.  It was only a few minutes past ten.  I got out of bed quietly, and tip-toed to the bathroom to clean myself up.  I wasn't exactly a mess.  I was wearing one of Wes's t-shirts, other than the dress I had been wearing last night.  Though this shirt it probably much shorter than that dress, and that dress was pretty short.  I'm also wearing a pair of his boxers, because that would have been a little too much.  I'm not that comfortable with Wes yet.

                I ran my fingers through my wild curls, trying to tame them.  I brushed my teeth with a new extra tooth brush they keep for house guests.  I would consider myself one at this point.  I washed my face, removing last night’s makeup, and exited the bathroom.  Wes was still sound asleep.  I jumped onto the bed, and crawled to his side.  I straddled his waist, and his eyes opened slowly to meet mine.  "Time to get up!" I sang.

He groaned and turned his head away from me before closing his eyes again.  "Ten more minutes."

I tapped the sides of his cheeks with the tips of my fingers.  "No, come on.  It's time to get up."

I continued tapping his cheeks until he woke up.

He turned to face me, eyes finally opening for the new day.  "I'm up!  Are you happy?"  He laughed.  He placed his hands on my legs, slowly moving up my thighs. 

I nodded and smiled.  "Very."  I leaned down, kissing him lightly.  I pulled back and I noticed the smile still on his face.  "I could get used to this."

                "What?" I questioned.

                "Waking up to you every morning."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks.  "Well, Mr. Stromberg.  You can't wake up to me every morning."

He smirked.  "Want to bet?"

I giggled and leaned back into him for a kiss.  "Well played, Wesley."  I kissed him again and climbed off of him.  I lie back down on my side of the bed and watch Wes get up and walk into the bathroom.  I have completely fallen for Wes.  Something I never thought I would admit to myself.  It took two weeks, plus the almost eighteen years I've been ignoring him.

                Wes stepped out a few minutes later, and I sat up.  "Are we doing anything today?" I asked.

He just looked in my direction and smirked.  "You're looking at it."  He bolted towards me, and tackled me to the bed.  I let out a small scream when his fingers dug into my sides.  "Wes, stop!" I choked between laughs.  His fingers continued moving, and I continued squirming and trying to remove myself from his grip.  "I'm going to kill you!"  I had tears in my eyes from laughing too hard.  The sound of his door opening finally made him stop.  "Hey, guys."  It was Keaton.  I peeped over Wes's shoulder, and waved to him.  "Good morning, Keaton."

Keaton had a smirk on his face.  "You guys look...cozy."

Wes looked over his shoulder.  "Did you need something?"

                "Uh, yeah.  Drew was supposed to give me a ride to the skate park, and he isn't answering his phone.  Have you talked to him?"

Wes shook his head.  "Carter gave him a ride home last night."  Wes's voice became slow as he spoke, and he turned to look at me.  I busted out laughing, and Wes looked horrified.  Wes got off of me, and stood from the bed.  "What's so funny?" Keaton asked.

Wes waved his hand.  "Don't worry about it."  He slipped a hoodie on and grabbed his phone and his keys from his bedside table.  He walked to my side, "I'll be back."  He kissed me quick, and went around Keaton to leave his room.

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