First Full Day In Ninjago

25 1 3

Your POV:

My parents got a call, they were given an offer to a vacation. There's an obvious twist, so I'll say it bluntly. There's only two spots left, and two tickets, so only two people could go. 

I told them, "I'll just move in somewhere else around the city, it's fine. This place isn't the best anyways, I know." I sighed.

They hesitated, but ultimately, they accepted, and I moved away. Was just about time, anyway.

Ever since, I got a job, not the best job, but it's enough, and soon enough, with a little help from my parents of course, got my own place, got settled in, and even bought an electric guitar. (Quick note, I changed it from bass to an electric guitar.)

I applied for a music career, but ultimately was declined. I was indifferent to the situation, and still tried every now and then.

I played my electric guitar fairly often, my favorite to play was Ship In A Bottle by Steffan Argus. (A good song, do recommend)

After the Day of the Devourer, everything was as normal as Ninjago could get. Everything started getting harder to pay for. Ugh, taxes. All the prices started growing due to the recent events, the money for the government needed to grow in order for them to fix everything and clean up all the Devourer saliva. Eww..

Ever since then, I've started resorting to being more of a.. Well, I wouldn't say Villain. Villain is a strong word, I'd prefer


I mainly just steal enough food for me here and there. The only reason I don't steal money instead of or along with the food is the little gigs. I get paid around $50 or so every gig, good enough when I get them a few times a week, give or take.

Occasionally, there'll be robbers etc around the city, so of course, being the wonderful self-taught person I am, took 'em down without much as a sweat.

Times like that became my usual.

I decided to train, mentally and physically. Now, I'm already sorta fit, just don't have much of a schedule. That needs to change. After about an hour of planning and then procrastinating, I came up with my schedule. I'd do an online school program, and after I finished all my work, I'd usually train around 1 P.M to 4 P.M just for good measure. All I needed to find out is where. There wasn't much online of where I could in Ninjago. I eventually found a dojo. "Dareth's Mojo Dojo? Got all the equipment I'll need, good enough. Worth a shot, I guess?"

After a little longer of planning, I decided now would be a good time to head to bed, and watch a show/movie. Then, most likely fall asleep to the [Chosen show/movie.]

~|Timeskip brought to you by Procrastination!|~

(Still your POV)

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, and groggily swung my legs over the side of my bed.

"Another day, another moment of inhuman and incoherent sounds. Here we go."

I plopped out of bed, mumbling incoherent sounds as I laid on the ground, and forced myself up. Once I reached the door, I leaned on the knob with a heavy sigh. 'Never been a morning person, and never will be.'

As I trudged my way into the white apartment room of mine, I grabbed the remote off of the marble counter and switched on a random channel. I forced myself into the kitchen, and grabbed a bagel and flopped onto the couch and watched whatever was on.

"Ah, just the usual news.. Agh, is there any good shows on?" I flicked through the channels, and then decided just to go to Netflix.

I put on C/C (Childhood Cartoon) and smiled, laying back down, munching on the last bit of my bagel.

After a little while I finished my bagel, and switched off the TV, throwing my legs off the couch.

I stretched my arms, and checked the time. 11:43 A.M.

"Welp, I have a little while to myself, guess I can walk around town or somethin." I walked over to my room, and searched for an outfit. I found a F/C t-shirt, and some jeans, and a [F/C] beanie.

I exited my apartment building, and explored the city. Shop, shop, restaurant, and a ..dojo? Oh! It's that dojo I saw earlier, Dareth's Mojo Dojo, right? I checked the sign. Yep!

I stopped at a coffee shop, and checked what cash I had. I had made a little extra the night before, so I had enough for a little something to treat myself. I entered the coffee shop, and my senses were filled the the wonderful scent of coffee and cupcakes, and some cookies. I sighed happily as I looked around the coffee shop. Most everything was a coffee brown color from the walls, to the chairs and tables. Most were a little different in shading to make it seem a little more even. I went up to the register and ordered a/an F/D (Favorite Drink) and a/an F/S (Favorite sweet snack) once I got my stuff I thanked them, paid, and walked outside to sit on one of the outside  chairs. The view wasn't the best, but the porch they had surely was. (You can use your imagination for what the porch looks like)

As I was sipping on my iced coffee, watching a video with my headphones, someone tapped my shoulder, and I looked up to a guy, I'd say around my age, with dark brown hair, and black eyes with a glimmer of brown, and (I imagine with a dark-ish skin tone but you don't have to I just feel like it fits),tanned skin, and was wearing a black hoodie and jeans. He smiled a little and spoke up, "Sorry, but, I've never seen you around before, you new?" He asked. I nodded, and smiled. "If you're free and would like I can give you a tour of Ninjago?" I pondered on the offer, but ultimately accepted. We introduced ourselves, and said our goodbyes as he walked away. Turns out his name was Cole. Hm, not the most common name, I like it.

A/N: Sorry I published it then I updated it- I published it at that moment by accident ;^; Anyways, hope you enjoyed!

A/N #2: So Erm- the way I write has changed drastically over the timespan of when I first started writing this, and how busy I've been has, on top of that, been piling up. This whole story's a mess, but I've still got hope I can salvage it! Stay safe everyone! :]

Sunflower|Cole Brookstone X Vigilante!Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें