I Need Your Help

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Walking back to the castle with Robin and the guard that accompanied us, I felt really alone. I knew that I shouldn't let it get to me but to have someone leave me after I knew them, even if it was for a short time, was hard.

Robin and I were silent the entire way. We didn't try to make conversation because in my opinion, both of us were thinking about the past few months. We exchanged a few warm smiles but that was it.

She really was leaving. I didn't want her to but it wasn't in my place to stop her either. I needed to put myself in her shoes and....I didn't want her to leave. She was my only connection to the past.

She walked in the direction of her chambers while I staggered behind at the main hall. It was hard to breathe. I needed help. And I needed it right away. I needed to get out of my comfort bubble. I had to let go of the past just like Robin needed to. But how?

Caspian's request hit me.

He wanted me to decide my ladies-in-waiting and I told him that I didn't want any help. Unless I could change that term entirely. I could ask some people for my help, and risk them letting know that I think of them as my friends.

I entered the Music Room and found Evelyn and Rumira talking. They stood up immediately as I entered and I couldn't help but smile. People were taking the whole royalty thing really seriously.

But what would I know, right? I was only Sophie Adams.

"Can we talk?"

They exchanged a look with each other. I knew that I was being completely informal but if my plan was to work, I needed to be myself. I needed them to see who I really was. All the time that we had really spent together was around other people where they were the staff and I was the supposed Queen.

I needed to break that barrier. It was never going to work out with me and if anyone had a problem with it, they could deal with it instead of being babies about it.

"Of course, Your Majesty." Rumira said.

I sat down on one of the chairs and they did the same after that. It pained me to have such high status among everyone. It was still hard getting used to it. I didn't know where to start speaking, so I started with the most recent one.

"Robin will be leaving us. She....will be leaving for Galma."

There was confusion on both their faces. "But why?" Evelyn asked.

"She requested for my permission and I....gave it. It's not really my place to answer the why part, Evelyn, but I...." I let out a shaky breath. "Things keep changing."

Rumira seemed to notice my sorrow in the matter and both of them were confused about the situation. "How can we help?"

I looked up at the blonde. I must have looked really surprised because both of them were smiling faintly. They were not used to this as well. "I guess this is a situation that is new to all three of us." I nodded. "I want you to know that I think of you as my dear friends, which would mean that I would love it if you could call me by my name when we aren't present anywhere formally."

Rumira's eyebrows raised up and Evelyn gaped at me. "But...."

"Caspian talked to me about having ladies-in-waiting and I realised that I didn't really talk to anyone apart from you

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"Caspian talked to me about having ladies-in-waiting and I realised that I didn't really talk to anyone apart from you. I don't think I ever will. Introvert." I pointed to myself and let out a shaky laugh. "I don't know if what I'm doing is fine or if....um...." I lost my ability to speak English.

"If I may," Evelyn started. "I know that you are not used to the formality of all this, and you don't have to be if you don't want to. Seeing you adjust to this new life is really inspiring, Your Majesty."

That was the first time Evelyn had voiced out her opinions so boldly. I guessed that it had something to do with how I was hesitating to post my request. I didn't want to sound snobbish because I didn't need daily help, but since it was a requirement and since I considered them my friends, it was strange.

"You are doing great, Your Majesty." Rumira said, reaching for my hand. "And we would be honoured to help you in any way possible."

It took me some time to realise that breathing was in and out simultaneously. "Will you....um...." I smiled. "Be my friends? Like, I don't want any obligation to play a role here. I want us to be how we were before all this happened." Saints, why was I so awkward?

"It would be our pleasure." Evelyn smiled supportingly.

I let out a breath of relief. "Oh, you have no idea how hard that was. Phew!" I wiped my forehead. "Well then." I clapped my hands together. "I don't know how you spend time together as proper friends in Narnia." I admitted, feeling the heat rush to my face. I wasn't used to having girlfriends. "Any ideas?"

Rumira and Evelyn looked at each other again. "We could have a tea party?" Evelyn suggested, which made the most sense.

"We could spend time getting to know each other more." Rumira said. "After leaving our responsibilities behind, of course."

I laughed

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I laughed. "I would love that." I took both their hands in mine. "Thank you both. I really needed this."

"Of course." They said at the same time.

"Tea party tomorrow at eleven hundred hours?"

"But, Your Majesty," We looked at Evelyn. "Day after tomorrow is the...."

I smacked my forehead. "Of course! How could I have forgotten about the date?" I thought about it. "This weekend then? Same time?" They nodded, glad that I was making progress with the situation. "Awesome!" I headed for the door and then realised that I hadn't made myself clear.

"Oh....um...." I turned around. "About the other situation." I looked up at them. "Would you do me the honour of being my supposed ladies-in-waiting? It is only to fill the role. You don't have to help me with much." Both of them stood up after that question, probably wondering how I was asking them for a huge change of roles. "Because that's the thing. I consider you my friends but I don't trust anyone that I could ask about this 'ambush'. It's not really a job because I'm only doing this to shut the Council up and-"

"Your Majesty?" Rumira called out. "We would love to be your friends. And your supposed ladies-in-waiting."

"We are glad that you thought of us." Evelyn said.

I looked back and forth between them. I walked towards them and pulled them into a hug. They were hesitant at first but they put their arms around me. "Thank you." I sniffed, trying not to get emotional. "Like I said before, you don't have to help me much. It is only a title. You can do what you want and I won't force you to follow the duties."

They nodded. "We understand, and we will see you at the tea party." 

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