The Unexpected

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Robin and I had talked to each other in the few months that we spent together. I got to learn her side of the story and what had gone down between her and the Witches, and only after that did I realise that Jadis wasn't alone.

There were three rules of Charn that had invaded Narnia during my parents' rule - Carmis, Jadis and Olivis. It was unclear who was older between Carmis or Jadis, but it was clear that Olivis was the youngest.

I talked about my life to Robin but I didn't really reveal much because there wasn't anything to talk about. I told her a summary and we talked about stuff in general. I helped her get back to the time that we were living in.

"I cannot believe that the prices have gone up so much!"

"That's because the economy has changed since the Golden Age."

It was nice to have a connection with someone to the past. But what I didn't know was that it wasn't going to last long.

Robin was sitting at a log when I entered that part of the forest. She turned around quickly to see me even though I had made absolutely no noise. The bird part of her was leaving her slowly while she was getting used to the fact that she was a human.

I tried to make her see that Jadis was dead and so were the other two in a way and that she was safe with us, but she had other thoughts in mind. "Your Majesty." She bowed her head.

"Hey, Robin."

We started walking towards the inner parts of the forest in silence

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We started walking towards the inner parts of the forest in silence. The one problem that I faced with her was to come to a common topic that we could talk about, but once we found that, we could talk endlessly.

"Glenstorm wanted me to check a site for the ceremony. Mind accompanying me there?"

She simply smiled and walked silently beside me. I knew that she wanted to start a topic but was hesitating somehow. "Sophie?" I turned to face her after giving her the comfortable silence that she needed. "I think we may need to talk."

I stopped walking as she did. "Sure. What's up?"

Robin didn't meet my eyes. "I've been thinking about something....for weeks really and...." She sighed. "I want to leave Telmar."

I blinked. I had been theorising about what she wanted to talk about but that was nowhere near to what I had been imagining. "Is everything okay? What....Did someone say something or-"

"It's none of that. It's...." She inhaled sharply. "Every day that I have spent here has reminded me too much of what has happened. I cannot seem to see my own reflection without thinking about the time that I have lost."

I was worried about losing the one person that I had a connection with to the past, the one person that made me realise that my life wasn't a dream.

"Remember the spell that struck me when you flooded Olivis' palace?" I nodded. Robin pushed her locks of her hair and revealed a gray hair among the ebony ones. My eyes opened wide. "The spell wasn't to harm me. It was her intention to harm me but not in the way that we were thinking."

"You are aging." I managed to talk.

She nodded, pursing her lips. "The spell was to reverse the everlasting one that they had casted on me all those years ago. I have a chance at a new life....but it is at the wrong time."

I knew that I had to be a good friend then even though I didn't entirely agree with myself. "I understand." But something else was also bothering her.

"I need you to give me permission to leave."

My eyebrows knitted together. "I....don't understand. How could I give you permission....oh." It dawned on me. "If things had gone right, I....would have been Queen."

"And I, your subject."

If the three Witches hadn't attacked the castle, I would have taken over the throne one day and Robin would have been my subject. In some political way, she still was.

I nodded, trying to put on a brave face. "Of course. I will write the letter as soon as we are at the castle."

She had a relief in her eyes. "I'll be leaving in two days," My head jerked up. "If that is okay with you."

"Two days." I took a deep breath. "Wow, that is awfully quick." I looked at the ground and tried to hide the fogginess in my eyes. "You're not going to stay for the wedding."

"I'm really sorry, but I cannot stay here any longer than I already have. Everything is a reminder really."

I nodded. "I thought that....never mind." I shook my head.

I didn't want to sound hurt but it was hard not to feel like that. "I'm really sorry, I-"

"It's fine." I looked at her and put on a brave face. I had been looking forward to this. Something had to change somehow. The only deal was that I hadn't been expecting to lose someone.

 The only deal was that I hadn't been expecting to lose someone

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Robin pulled me into a hug. "Thank you for understanding. I'll never forgive what you and Caspian have done for me. I'll always be grateful for that."

I managed to smile weakly. "It was our pleasure really. I...." I didn't want to talk because my voice would have surely cracked, but I shook that thought off my head. "Where are you planning to go?"

She smiled at me supporting her decision. "Galma. There is an orphanage there that was looking out for someone that would teach there. I always considered being there for the people who need a mentor."

"Teaching." I smiled. "I'll talk to Lady Daniels and let her know that you will be moving to Galma. I'm sure she will allow you to visit the castle whenever you want."

"Thank you."

I nodded. "Keep in touch?" I sounded so hesitant that made the whole situation look like a prank, but it wasn't.

"Of course. Who else would I annoy?"

I laughed, but the void in my heart was still there.

Change was my worst enemy. No matter what I did, it seemed to find me in one way or the other. I didn't know what game life was playing with me. It looked as though it was laughing at me and mocking me behind my back.

I could hear its voice laughing in my head. "You think this is the end? We haven't even begun yet."

I was a person that planned everything out but stopped doing that when change took over every decision I made. I hadn't decided to punch Jonathan's nose in school but a change had come over me. But if I hadn't thrown the punch, I wouldn't have run into the forest or found myself in Narnia.

There were pros and cons to every situation. But the problem with my life was that the cons overweighed the pros even when I tried to concentrate on the latter.

Change sucks.

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