Unknown Caller

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It was 11:30pm on a stormy night. Elle had just finished reading her book and she decided to end the night by scrolling through Instagram. As she turned on her phone, she saw that she had 33 missed calls but from who? There was no name or number it just said Unknown Caller. Elle thought nothing of it. She thought it must have been some people from her school prank calling her as some joke at a sleepover. Elle closed her curtains got in her pyjamas and got into bed. She was about to drift off into a deep sleep until. *RING RING* it was her phone ringing but yet again no name or number just unknown caller. She answered hesitantly. Hello, she was shaking it was 12:30am nobody in her family was awake. A deep voice answered the phone. "Hello Elle, your parents are here soundly asleep, thing is are they really sleeping" the phone hung up. Alarmed, Elle ran over to her door. She called her parents to see if they would wake up and answer it. She could hear it ringing down the hall then it stopped. The same deep voice answered her mothers' phone. "Hello Elle, did you not trust me when I said I was with your parent's and no need to lock your door, night dear Elle." Again, the phone hung up. She knew whoever was out there was wicked and cruel she dialled 999 to call the police but they could not be sent for another 30 minutes and her brother was still in his room. He didn't have a phone because he was only five. Elle plucked up enough courage to unlock her door and run to her brother's room until she heard heavy footsteps walking down the hall towards his room. Elle was crying because she knew the man had got to her brother's room and there was nothing she could do to save him. Her phone rang again. It was her brother he was saying, he is here, the man is here, he wants me to say goodbye to you, what is he going to do Elle please help me. Elle was so upset cause she knew she wasn't able to help him so she was trying to keep him calm as she knew the man was with him, as her little brother was using his phone. Elle looked out her window and saw blue flashing lights. As the blue lights grew closer her brother came to her door and he thanked Elle. As the mystery man ran out of his room in hopes he wouldn't be caught. She heard the footsteps running past her room and started heading downstairs but it was to late police had surrounded all exits and arrested the man. He was dressed in full black with a mask covering his face. Elle and her brother were escorted outside to see who this mad man was. Elle was taken aback to see her old schoolteacher Mr Dolan under the mask. He looked right into Elle's eyes and the kind teacher that was behind them had gone. As he was placed into the police cars. Elle asked are her parents dead. A police officer told them that Mr Dolan had tried to kill them but they are still alive they are unconscious and need to be treated immediately for their injuries but for now they need to be taken to a family members house to be safe while their parents were in hospital.

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