“Oh.” She exclaimed in surprise, forgetting for a moment that she was mad at him. But two seconds later she remembered when he handed her a couple of papers.

“Here.” He said roughly. “You requested the answers to your questions. And as you couldn’t email me without having witnesses present, I figured you would want the same when I gave you the answers. So, there.” He said motioning towards the papers she held in her grasp.

She started to form the words ‘thank you’ when she glanced down at the page, and her eyes narrowed. He had answered every single question with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, regardless of if it made sense. For example one of the questions was ‘what was one thing you would advise the youth about following their dreams?’ and his answer had been ‘yes’.

“Houssam, what the heck is this?” she demanded, and he raised an eyebrow.

“Oh now you want to talk do you? Well now I don’t want to talk to you!” he exclaimed and he sounded so childish that she actually let out a laugh.

“Wow okay then.”


“If you’re going to act immature then maybe we should just forget the entire thing.”

“Well fine then!” he exclaimed, and she rolled her eyes.

“Okay then.”



Just then, to Hana’s annoyance, Kalthoum came over.

“What’s going on? Is everything okay?” she asked and it didn’t go unnoticed by Hana the tone of suspicion in her voice.

“Yeah, just discussing the article.” Houssam replied, and his gaze flashed momentarily towards Hana before he looked away.

“Can I do anything?” She asked, looking at him adoringly, and Hana had to resist rolling her eyes again. She hated that she was so annoyed with someone who was supposed to be her best friend, but in all honesty, Kalthoum was changing, and it was not for the better. 

‘”No thanks honey.” Houssam replied with a smile at Kalthoum, and this time Hana felt her stomach churn.



Alright she had to get out of there.

Like now.

“Okay I’m going to go.” She said, and before giving either one a chance to answer, she had dashed out of the room.


“Hey man thanks for letting me sleep over. I couldn’t even drive past Mama and Baba’s let alone go inside, it was so swamped with paparazzi!”

Amir frowned, and sat down next to his brother, taking the controller that Houssam handed to him.

“It’s a good thing they are out of town. I don’t think Mama would do well handling that. How long are they gone for?”

“Until next week, Baba needed to get new exam chairs for his office so Mama went with him because she didn’t want to be away from him.”

“Aw that’s sweet!” Amir exclaimed, and Houssam rolled his eyes.

“They are almost as gross as you and Yusra.”

“Oh shut up Houssam .I bet you and Kalthoum will be just as romantic with each other.” To his surprise, Houssam frowned slightly, before clearing his throat.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now