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Bela POV

My sisters and I desperately tried to hold back our anger as we watched that bastard flirt with OUR girlfriend. Mother Miranda decided to hold a meeting with mother and Heisenberg at our home. Mother chose some of the best maids to help serve dinner, which included our lovely girlfriend. Usually we would be happy seeing her, but after watching Heisenberg flirt with her for the last hour we were at our breaking point. 

"You're really beautiful Y/N." Heisenberg complements her with a smirk 

"Thank you lord Heisenberg." She responds back filling up his glass 

Out of the corner of my eye I see Cassandra's eye twitch when his hand brushed hers. Y/N quickly pulls away, her discomfort clear on her face. 

"Heisenberg are you paying attention?" Mother asks glaring at him while Y/N makes her escape

"Of course I am." His smirk widens turning his attention to her

The three return back to their conversation while my sisters and I develop one of our own.

"I wanna kill him." Cassandra seethes glaring at the male lord

"We can't." I point out, "Even though mother would be ok with it, I do not think Mother Miranda would be. I do not wish to feel her wrath." 

"Then what can we do?" Daniela grumbles 

"Well we can always ensure this mix up of Y/N being single doesn't happen again." I state eyeing our lover from across the room

"Oh?~Do share~"

"It seems that we did not leave enough marks in the right areas..." I trail off 

The two look over at Y/N, which under our gazes, becomes flustered. I watch while my sisters' eyes scan her body taking note of the fading hickies on her neck and breasts. 

"Hm it seems you're right sister. Perhaps we should...replace them later?~" Daniela purrs winking at her causing Y/N to blush 

"Oh we most certainly will~" Cassandra states smirking at our beloved

We try to keep our tempers at bay throughout the rest of dinner, but Heisenberg was making it very difficult. His flirting and touches were beginning to grow more and more frequent as their meeting dragged on. Daniela and I had to stop Cassandra multiple times from lunging over the table and slitting his throat. 

"Well I believe that settles things." Mother Miranda sighs, her chair scraping against the floor as she stands

Mother, Heisenberg, and us follow suit. We give her a small bow while Mother stands beside her.

"Allow me to walk you out." 

Mother Miranda nods following Mother out of the dining room. Heisenberg follows after them, stopping at the door beside Y/N. With a disgusting smirk he leans down, grabbing Y/N's hand and places a kiss to her knuckle. Our eyes twitch as he sends her one last wink before following mother and Miranda. As soon as the trio left the dining room we were on Y/N in an instant, startling her. Cassandra possessively grabs her hips, pinning her to the wall. 


"You're coming with us. Now." Daniela commands grabbing Y/N's hand

"But what about-"

"The other maids will take care of it." I growl grabbing her other hand 

We don't give her another chance to say anything, quickly dispersing into our flies and drag her upstairs. We take her to my room and toss her on the bed, Cassandra pouncing on her almost immediately. Our sister quickly pins our love's wrist above her head, moving her head to the crook of Y/N's neck.

"W-Wait-" Y/N groans as me and Daniela join them on the bed, "What is this-"

"About?" I finish for her my eyes narrowing at her

"Darling you have to know what this is about." Daniela continues for me situating herself on the other side of Y/N

"It's about Heisenberg isn't it?" She whispers 

I don't answer her crawling on top of her while my sisters kept her still.

"That disgusting man clearly didn't see that you were taken." I growl eyeing the faint hickeys on her skin, "So we decided to make sure this kind of misunderstanding doesn't happen again."

The three of us lean down, each of us focusing on replacing our marks. As we sucked and nipped at her fragile skin our lover's hips rose, signaling her pleasure from it. I smirk and move on to the next bite which was on her oh so sensitive collar bone. I nibble at the old mark, Y/N's hips jerking at the sensation. I chuckle and start sucking on her skin, the three of us getting multiple moans from her. After replacing our kisses, and giving her a few teasing touches we pull away gazing at our handy work. Y/N was a mess, her hands clutching the sheets as she takes deep breathes. 

"W-Who would've known that my lovelies could get so jealous?~" She teases a smirk on her face

Our smirks fall our eyes turning dark with lust. 

"Careful princess." Cassandra growls, "We can always finish what we-"

"GIRLS!" Our mother yells from the dining room

The three of us pout, wanting to put our teasing little sub in her place. 

"Don't worry," Y/N starts, "I'll be here, waiting for you~"

Our breaths hitch and we quickly turn into our flies, swarming out the door to get whatever our mother wanted done so we can get back to Y/N. 

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