Soulmates 2

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The snow crunches underneath our boots as we make our way down to the village. It's eerily quiet when we enter the village with no signs of life anywhere.

"Let's hurry and get inside" Ethan mumbles heading towards a small abandoned house

I nod, following him while I clutch the arms of my jacket. Ethan shuts the door behind us pushing a chair underneath the doorknob. I sit down on what seems to be a couch and Ethan joins me.

"So what have you been through since my kidnapping?" I joke trying to lighten the mood

"Well I didn't find Rose." He sighs pushing back his hair, "I ended up in what seems to their dungeon where I encountered these weird zombie vampire things. While I was trying to escape one of your soulmates came after me but I was able to loose her through their blood filled wine cellars."

I shudder trying to distract myself from thinking about Ethan's troubling experience.

"What about you?" He asks

"Nothing much. Their mother broke up our moment in the hallway and I was taken to one of their room before they left to find you. The door was locked obviously but I was able to escape out the window."

He only nods pulling something from his pocket. I identify it as a map and he rolls it out on the table in front of us. He marks Castle Dimitrescu with a large x, his eyes trailing to the other houses on the map.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go snooping anywhere else Ethan." I mumble, "It's clear you won't get any warm welcomes here."

"Then how am I able to find Rose?" Ethan mutters hiding his face with his hands

I quickly grab his hands keeping them away from his face, "Perhaps when I go back I can ask the girls if they've found an infant. I'm sure-"

"Go back?!" He suddenly shouts, "You can't go back! They can kill you!"

"They're my soulmates Ethan remember? If we stay apart for too long it could wind up hurting all of can possibly kill us. Besides they won't hurt me. They've already proven that." I state looking down at my mark

"But you don't know for sure. They can be tricking you! Just because they're your soulmates-"

A loud howl suddenly interrupts Ethan, putting us both on alert. My hairs on my arms stand as it's replaced by a tense silence. My friend stands looking around the house with his hand on a gun? Where the hell did he find that!? After a few seconds of intense silent Ethan speaks.

"Well I guess it was-"

All of a sudden something begins to rip, pry, and tear at the wood causing me to fall off the couch in surprise. Ethan starts to shoot at the creatures but it was no use. Every time he killed one it was replaced by more. While I try to search across the house for a weapon I'm abruptly grabbed by a creature tearing through the wood. I scream desperately trying to get myself free. Thankfully my jacket sleeve rips freeing me from the creature's grip. I fall on my butt scrambling away from the snarling thing.

Ethan pulls me away from it swiftly shooting it between it's eyes. I scramble to get back up grabbing a nearby plank as a weapon. Soon Ethan runs out of bullets and my plank becomes useless, allowing the monsters to swarm in on us. The humanoid creatures quickly disarm us dragging us outside. They create a circle around us snarling, growling, and reaching for us. Ethan holds me close to him glaring at the surrounding monsters. Suddenly the creatures fall silent parting for a large man. A smirk appears on his face when he sees us.

"Well, well, well." He chuckles setting his large hammer down beside him, "Ethan Winters."

"Why the hell do all of you know my name?" Ethan growls

The stranger only laughs, "You're very important around here. Mother Miranda will be pleased that I've finally tracked you down."

"What do you want from me?!"

"It's not clear yet?" The man chuckles before grabbing Ethan by his collar. I try to move towards them but one of the creatures quickly grabbed me.

The stranger looks at me with a sickening smile, "Well aren't you a pretty thing?~What's your name?"

I remain quiet only answering him with a glare. This seems to add to the man's amusement.

"Oh a feisty one hm? You'll be fun to-" He suddenly stops eyeing something on my arm. I follow his gaze to see him staring at my ripped jacket sleeve, where my soulmate mark was on display.

"Never mind. It seems I can't lay a finger on you." He smiles tossing Ethan to the awaiting creatures

They quickly tie him up and gag him as their leader grabs me. He turns my arm so he can see my now flashing mark.

"My nieces ought to be looking for you. They sure are worrying right now." He states as my mark flashes red

I try to rip my arm out of his grip but I don't succeed. One of his minions grabs my other arm forcing my wrists together. The stranger then clamps square handcuffs around my wrists.

"I think I should return you to them." He laughs looking at the Dimitrescu castle. He turns back to his minions, "Take Ethan here back to the meeting place. Make sure he stays put."

The creatures all snarl in what seems like a cheer before dragging my friend off. The man connects a chain to my handcuffs, pulling me onto my feet. I stumble behind him as we make our way back towards the castle. Within a few minutes we're in front of the entrance. The stranger gives me a evil smile before knocking three times. A few seconds later Lady Dimitrescu answers.

"What do you want Heisenberg?" She growls

"Excuse me." He teases chuckling, "I just came to return something of my nieces." He yanks me forward immediately drawing the tall lady's attention

I keep my gaze to the ground too nervous to look up at the matriarch.

"Girls!" Dimitrescu suddenly shouts causing me to jump

The sounds of insects can be heard before I hear Bela speak.

"What is it mother?"

Lady Dimitrescu steps aside revealing me to the girls. I finally lift my head greeting the three with a nervous smile. Heisenberg removes my handcuffs pushing me into the awaiting arms of Daniela. Heisenberg and Lady Dimitrescu begin to have a conversation while the three girls surround me.

"Do you know how worried we were!?" Cassandra hisses hugging me tightly

"I know I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it." Daniela growls placing her chin on my shoulder

I look down at the ground again upset that I caused my soulmates this much distress. My chin is quickly lifted however by Bela who places a soft kiss to my forehead.

"We're happy that you're back with us though." She smiles

The three engulf me in a hug placing kisses all over my face. Sadly our moment is once again ruined by the matriarch.

"Girls I'll be gone for awhile. Do make sure you keep your soulmate company while I'm gone. Don't let her escape like last time." Lady Dimitrescu states her golden orbs studying me

"Of course not mother."

Their mother nods before leaving out the door with Heisenberg.

"So what should we do with our naughty soulmate?~" Daniela purrs kissing my neck

"I have an idea~" Cassandra giggles

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