Back in the Bar

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"Tuatha?" Layna shouted as she spun on the young wookie. "What kind of a stupid name is that?"

"I think it's a Wookiee name," Chewna explained keeping her tone calm.

Everyone had flipped out a little bit. Chewna was furious too. After all, there were stormtroopers here when there hadn't been any kind of Imperial presence on this little mudball of a planet in over 6 cycles. Now, this group of "Rebels" shows up and so do the bucket-heads. 

Chewna was a little irritated at Layna, too. Layna sucked all of the energy out of the room by totally freaking out,  glowering at everyone, and generally being beside herself with rage preventing everyone else from figuring out what was going on. Unfortunately, Chewna was the only one that understood Shriwook. So whenever Layna took a breath, Chewna stuggled to get words between the wookie/rebels and everyone else in the bar. 

"Calm down, Layna!" Toth said. Chewna cringed; that was not a good way to talk to Layna when she was like this.

"You don't get to talk to me!" Layna snapped back at the young man, her Lekku flinging around behind her as she spun. "Who carries around a thermal detonator....just in case?" She said, her tone was mocking.

Chewna could see Ray, who owned the place, standing behind the bar; he moved as if about to say something. Chewna frantically signed at him to stay silent. He understood quickly and hunched over before Layna noticed.

Layna's temper was well known and this kind of flair was not unusual: Chewna remembered many years ago when she'd had to pull Layna off of one of their friend's ex-boyfriends. Chewna was sure that he would have been dead if she hadn't pulled Layna off of him. Granted, she wouldn't have been arrested or anything since she was considered to be a local around here but there was no reason to start down that path. Later that same night, Layna had eventually thanked Chewna for intervening.

"Arrghh rawr," the young Wookie said. 

"Isn't there someone else, who can speak for them?" Layna said, exasperated. 

Chewna agreed with this sentiment but the other rebels seemed to be even more inexperienced and wet behind the ears than Tuatha. 

Suddenly an explosion rocked the building and a large portion of the back wall caved in leaving a massive whole. Almost everyone not near a wall in the bar was knocked off of their feet. 

Clouds of fur! Chewna thought. As she blinked her eyes and struggled to understand what had happened. She instinctively pulled out her blaster and rolled onto her stomach searching the dust and debris for a target. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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