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       There was a boy named Critil Jack. Long ago, his parents died from lightning strike while they travelled in the car. So he was fostering by his auntie, Mandalia. Jack had so many assets. So, his auntie consented him to take care and she was rudely behaved to Jack. Some days passed, it was a day did anyone knows which came into commence may be with delight or wretched with grief.

     It was a letter posted to her address by her husband, Daniel. With the letterhead of Loss. She gazed into the body of a letter.

  Dear Honey,

I am sorrowed and I am at the position of not even saying I am fine. It began with quietness, as I looked at the sea it was crystal pure limpid. After an hour, a sea wave seemed to be enlighten in the sparkled sky like a cullinan diamond, it alarmed us. It appeared like the warriors thumping their shield with their swords, when the sea waves struck the Boat. It was a unique wave flabbergasted on seeing that when my Boat sailors went closer came to know that it was not a normal wave but that was an immense and ominous tsunami. All of them alacrity and became more consciousness. So, we donned a life jacket and called the mayday calls. The captain tried with the full breath to change the Boat's direction in west as insisted by the mayday calls. All of a sudden, another gargantuan wave which arose like a thousands of blue whale linked in the chain together, and it came with the greater force in a Jiffy, it destroyed the Boat and the things which were traded to Portugal that was the sets of seven precious books wisdom, happiness, time, success, courage and discipline but one book was missed already. These books had been devastated by a treacherous waves and my business was Humpty – Dumpty fell. So I asked you to help me in settle the money for the for the losses.

Yours lovingly,


   Mandalia was bothered about the condition of her husband and the losses on his business. She started thinking about the money for the losses; then she got one intention of killing the Critil Jack. If he died, then all assets would get in the name of Mandalia, was her thought.

  On a first day morning, a glorious red mixed yellow sheet covered the sky but seasonally a shower of drizzle with the earth's fragrance and with the patchy sky. Every pearl drops make tinkle on the singles which tuned a music throughout the house. Jack woke up with the act of pandiculation. His appearance was too handsome with the honey dye-hair; moony-face; greedy green-eyes; rosy-lip; all of us would fell unconditional love with Jack. He had a dazzle blue scar which was three stars followed by two dots vertically on his right arch of foot and also he had one broken ruby stone presented inside his forehead. But he didn't know the stone presented on his forehead. His auntie abused him much. So, he was obnoxious in his auntie house. He did all the routine work in his house like sweeping, cooking and washing. There was only a woeful in Jack's life. His friend Mittu, a parrot, came to see him every night. It secretly lived in the attic of Jack's room. Jack didn't know about his influence and also the powers present hidden inside him.

  After seeing his face, Mittu came to know that Jack was woeful because of his auntie. So, Mittu endeavored to revolt his depressed mood by singing and dancing but Jack disregarded. So, it again thought to divert his depressed mood by telling a story about the 'It's me' world. It's not a fairy tale. It was a real story that happened in human life. It started the story with a face full of expression and with a body gesture. Jack was enamored by his story and started to hear the story of that world. 

      Mittu told that everyone could not enter that city only a few who have dazzling powers they could enter. Jack swiftly ask Mittu, the way to get into the city. The parrot said the city was called as "It's Me" if you wanted to go to that city, then scrub your arch of foot and warmly press your center of the forehead. Jack eagerly tried that, he scrubbed his arch of foot and warmly pressed his forehead. But there was no change. The parrot told him that we could only enter into the It's Me city at 2:00 AM. They both kept on seeing the clock "Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock." It's now 1:50 AM. Their eyes were fully opened like an owl and even more enthusiasm. Jack did that process suddenly a bright light sparkled like thousands of sun; a diamond door with the tiny shining twinkle twinkle little stars circulated the door. It's an amazing door, occupied with Gothic sculpture. He touched the Gothic glass knob. It started to radiate in blue and slowly arose from down to top. As the door radiate pervaded to the door, the Gothic knocker automatically knocked on the door and said, "Shower on cheerful Jack and Mittu." It was very thrilling door and the low beep sound came with a highly increasing and the door size was also increasing along with the beep sound. Suddenly the sound and size of the door stopped increasing. It was thirty-five inches wide by eighty-eight inches tall and almost five inches thick. The door unlatched after the knock. It was a most glorious hours in both their life and some painting crossed his mind but Jack ignores it because of the extremely delightful and excitement on the thrilling door.

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