"I have to go get medicine for you Perse. I'll be right back I promise.." he smiled, ruffling her hair softly as he tucked her into the bed. She buried her face into the pillows, hugging one tightly.

Lukifer nervously paced out of the room, trying to think of where she'd keep medicine. When  he got sick she gave him healing potions. Maybe in the potion room?

He quickly made his way towards the door to the room Persephone brewed potions in, sweating slightly.

He had no idea how to care for kids. Well Persephone wasn't really a kid..
She was sixteen, but he still had no idea how to care for her.

He tried to wrack his brain for any information he had to help him. Wilbur spoke about his son often. He gave Lukifers advice for if the man had kids.

Lukifer felt the blood rush to his face at the though. Though he wouldn't risk bringing kids into this world.

It was dangerous.

Until he started thinking more. Persephone was a child. The trauma she had endured in just the time he has known her. Who knew what else she had before he had met her.

Hell he was part of her trauma. It was so rare she let him around anymore. He had no doubt if she wasn't delirious he wouldn't even be allowed this close to her.

Sighing softly he stepped into the potions room, glancing around at the numerous stands she had.

A clerk stood working on them, glancing up at the boy. "Should you be here?" It was no doubt they knew he shouldn't be here.

Whether be Persphone told them. Or how he stuck out like a sore thumb. Standing awkwardly in maroon from head to toe.

"Uh.. not. Really but..Per- uh.. the princess is sick. I..was hoping to get her some medicine." His words were chosen a bit too carefully, and the word princess slipped off his tongue a little too distastefully.

"Right. Cabinet up on the right wall." The clerk eyed him, before returning to their work once more. Lukifer nodded, rubbing his hands against his pants in nervous tension.

Slowly he made his way over to the further wall, aka the right one. He reached up and tugged open one of the cabinets, multiple bottles of different colored liquids. Shiny and vibrant, illuminating the dark cabinet.  He reached up and grabbed one of the red shimmering ones that he recognized. "Is it alright if I take this one?"

The clerk nodded and motioned towards a water bottle, "take that too. She hates the taste of potions."

Lukifer sent them a grateful smile, shutting the cabinet and taking the water bottle. "Thank you.. uh.. I'll put these back in a bit."

He shuffled his way out, letting out a breath he was sure was straining his lungs.

God that was fucking awkward.

Sighing, Lukifer made the trek back to Persephone's bedroom. He hoped the medicine would help her feel better..

He hated how clueless he felt with all this. He was twenty three for heaven's sake! He should know how to help her, shouldn't he?

It seemed to be no more than a mere excuse in that moment he wasn't from the overworld. He was born and raised in hell, er, they called it the nether.

He took in a deep breath and he stepped through the bedroom door. Persephone was still curled up in the bed, her tail hung off the side swaying lazily.

Lukifer gently shut the door walking towards the bed, going on the opposing side of Persephone. He slowly got onto the bed and glanced down at her. "Hey.. Perse are you sleeping..? You need to sit up.."  Persephone just whined, covering her face with her arm.

Well, that was a bit unexpected.

"Cmon perse.." he awkwardly rubbed her back, trying to egg her into sitting up.

Persephoen grumbled out something vaguely similar to, "what a jerk.." as she sat herself up. She leaned against the older man, sighing softly. "I uh,, I have medicine. For you." He offered her the bottle, which he had already uncapped.

Persephone attempted to take it, but her hands were so shaky she just about tipped it over.

"Whoa whoa okay, let, let me." Lukifer held it for her, helping her drink the liquid.

Persephone gagged almost instinctively. "I hate those.." her voice was softer than normal, using the palm of her hand to rub at her eyes.

"I uh.. also have water." Lukifer saw the corners of her thin esk lips raise, repeating the process with the water bottle.

"Okay, you can lay back down now.." He rubbed her back soothingly, watching as she slowly lowered herself down so her head rested on his lap. She gripped weakly at his pants leg, whimpering softly at the gross feeling she had. Lukifer pulled the covers up to her shoulders, smiling softly.

It was kinda nice seeing her out of the whole elegancy and princess thing. He carefully slid the pony tail out of her hair, watching as the frizzy curls fell in every direction. He started to play with her hair, humming a low tune to ease her.

Persephone mumbled something  Lukifer almost thought he didn't hear.

A soft, "love you Luke" came from the drowsy girl.

Lukifer felt his heart stop. His whole body spread with comforting warmth, gentle fuzziness settled in him.

This girl was the closest he would ever get to a kid, or a sister. It was becoming increasingly more clear she thought the same behind the little facade she put up.

He would do anything to keep moments like these safe.
Anything to fix the mistakes he's done with her.

"I.. love you Persephone.."

She smiled slightly,leaning into the touch of his hand in her curls.

Yeah, he'd do just about anything for this kid.

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