"the chest pains will pass." joyce reassures her.

el nods and hugs her, "make it stop. it won't stop."

joyce just sighs against her, "i'll take you to the doctors, we'll figure this out."

"please. please, i can't take this anymore." she sobs into her chest.

"i can't take it anymore."


"mom texted saying she made an appointment for you after school which is like right now." will says as he holds onto el.

she nods tiredly, leaning against his shoulder for extra support since she got no sleep at all and she was completely drained from all her attacks.

"woah woah." he holds onto her tighter as they walk down the halls. "look, you need to stay awake for me because even if you weigh like 115 pounds, i can't carry you to the car."

"i weigh 90 pounds." she corrects him in a small breath.

"even worse but come on. we can even get food on the-"

"i don't want food. just thinking about it makes me want to throw up." she whispers.

"that's not good." he says.

"why else am i going to see a doctor?" she asks quietly as they walk out of the school.

"you really should have stayed home." he says. "first time in high school and i can't miss the second day." she murmurs.

he opens the car door for her, "you feel like a fucking feather, you really needed sleep." he helps her into the car.

she nods, closing her eyes as joyce helps put her seatbelt on.

he shuts the door for her and then starts to walk to the back.

"yo, will!" someone shouts as he turns around right before he opens the door.

"what do you want, mike?" he asks.

"party wants to hang. you free?" mike asks.

"i have to take el to the doctors." he says.

mike nods, "what's up with her?" he asks, signalling to the brunette who was clearly asleep and leaning against the car window.

"what do you think?" will scoffs, opening the door, "it was you wasn't it? calling her broken and unfixable?"

"yeah and?"

he slams the door shut, "you know what, fuck you mike. you keep bringing her down and for what!? for what!? you out of all people should know what it's like to be talked to like this!"

"i'm talking from experience. we're both broken and unfixable."

"just because you are doesn't mean she is too! don't you ever dare to speak to her like that again." he points a finger at him.

"dude, calm down-"

"no, don't tell me to calm down! you've changed, i don't even know who you are!" he yells at him.

broken souls of blame | milevenWhere stories live. Discover now