
10 2 2

   "Woah woah hey. Put the glass down. You'll hurt yourself." Matt kept his hands up in a defensive position.

   "Who are you?" The front one hissed blocking his brothers(?) from view.

   "I won't hurt you three. I work with the crown prince–"

   The yellow marked one gasped. "Prince Matthew? If you work with him..." He gasped again with shining eyes. "You're Matthieu!!!"

   The blue one blinked as his eyes hone as well. "No way really!? It's really him? The doctor told us we were made from you!"

   Well that confirmed his suspicion. Devious used some of his code to make these three. Because the Virus was so attached to him, it would be easy to attach a new virus to his DNA.

   The pink one snarled. "One. Two. We don't know him! He could be dangerous." He was still clutching the glass.

   The yellow and blue ones stepped out from behind their brother. "You are Matthieu right..? " The yellow one asked.

   Matthieu nodded lightly lifting his feet off the floor to float on instinct. He thought better this way. "I am."

   "No way." The blue one grinned brightly. "You can actually float?"

   Matthieu smiled softly. They were just children. "I can. Its neat isn't it? Could you tell your brother to drop the glass? His hand is bleeding."

   "I'm fine with this." The pink one hissed.

   The yellow one sighed. "I'm sorry about three... he's like this..."

   One, two, three. "What are your names?"

   The yellow one took over. "I'm subject 1.N. That's subject 2.K. And subject 3.X is the one with the glass."

   No names. That's awful.

   "Matt! What did you find down... here..?" Mattie was down the stairs now. Taylor trailed after. The rest must be upstairs watching Devious.

   Three turned on them pointing the glass at them. "See! He brought more of them!"

   One latched onto Mathieu's arm. "Are they dangerous?"

   Two ducked behind Three again.

   Matthieu looked over at Matthew. "They're fine. Boys this is Crown Prince Matthew and Sir Taylor Fantastic."

   "The prince?" Two peaked out from behind his brother.

   "Really?" One looked up at Matt with wide eyes.

   Matt nodded.

   One sighed and went over to Three. "Three... Put the glass down."



   Three huffed and dropped the shard. Going by numbers... he must be the youngest brother.

   Matt sighed softly in relief. "I'll explain back at the castle Mattie..."

   Matthew blinked but nodded. "I'd say we have enough evidence. "

Project Virus: An Omniverse StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin