Dr. Devious

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   Matthew busted the door open with a huff. "Dr. Ethan Devious! Step away from the machine."

   Karma wrapped his strings around Devious and yanked him back. "You're under arrest on the count of tampering with viruses and encryptions as ordered by King James and Queen Charlene." 

   Devious frowned and pulled at the strings. "Impossible. You have no proof Outsider."

   Matthew huffed. "Hold your tongue." He wouldn't have someone insulting his husband.

   Devious shut up. There was no way they could find his lab. His crimes couldn't be proved. The trial would fall flat.

   Matthew made a motion. "Spread out. Look around." 

   Crayola, Fortune, Matthieu, and Taylor filtered in. They began to search the whole house for clues. Something to prove the charges against Devious.

   Matthieu stopped in his tracks as he passed by a part of the wall. He pressed both hands against the wall and hummed. He closed his eyes and focused. He phased right through. "Mattie. I found something!" 

   Devious growled. "Get out of there! It's private!"

   Matthew glared at the doctor and headed over the the wall. "Search inside. Ill look for something to knock the wall out."

   Matthieu looked down the steps. Sometimes he thanked his spirit form. He headed down the steps slowly. The room was surely pitch black but he could see fine. 

   The stairs ended in a large room. Tubes and pipes ran along the length of the room. Three large canisters stood in the center back wall. The glass was cracked on each of them. There was a shuffle.

   Matt kept his guard up as he crept forward. This place was a mess of vials and books and papers. Devious' research. He peaked around each table carefully and soon reached the canisters.

    A liquid dripped from each spilling into a puddle on the floor. Matthieu brushed his fingers through it. Strange. Feels... familiar. The liquid dissolved into his hand. 

   Something bumped into something. Matt whipped around and crept toward the sound. The bottle on the edge of a desk was teetering. It crashed to the ground. Matt crept close and peaked over the edge. 

   "Stay back!" The small figure was shaking and clutching a glass shard. Behind him were two other similar figures. They all looked the same save for the color of markings on their face. Markings like that... Virus lines. Devious created them. 

  Matthieu stared through the boys right at their core code. Bits of their code were familiar. He knew because... It was his code. 




Project Virus: An Omniverse StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang