boys will be boys

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I walked after them while calming myself down. I wasn't really that pissed off that they had seen my boner. It wouldn't be the first time they had seen that; I had literally fucked girls in front of them before. I was just embarrassed that she had managed to get me turned on so easily, and now, they weren't gonna shut up about it. I did not want them to know that I was interested in her, not that I was, I really didn't give a fuck about that stupidEvelyn Ambers. I just didn't want them to think that I did.  Yeah that was it

Thinking about her name made me remember how shocked she had looked when she found out I knew her name two days ago. I smirked to myself. She was kind of stupid to be honest, she knew I was at the match last year, and she was the only girl there. I just had to make one of my workers ask around and then one of the americans knew her name. Evelyn Ambers, the name suited her. It was just as beautiful as her. Fuck I needed to stop thinking about her that way.  I had to find someone to fuck after we had checked out the club. Some way hotter girl, and forget about her.  Hopefully, Evelyn would leave Italy soon and go back to wherever she came from. Thinking about the fact that I had wanted to find her so badly all year, it was kind of ironic how bad I wanted her gone now. But that was because: Before, I didn't know how much of a pain in the ass she was, and how hard to get she would be.


2 days later

''We are gonna party hard tonight'' I heard Blaze yell behind me as we walked out the doors of "The Devil's secret", my newest investment. After two days of making buisness about the club, it was finally ready for opening. Word spread fast around Sicily, so the new club opening would be today's highlight and I already knew it was going to be packed. Blaze was right, we (and everyone else as well) were gonna party hard tonight. I was gonna drink a lot, and find a hot girl to fuck. Tonight, I was gonna get everyone and everything out of my head. Especially those blue fucking eyes. But even tough I wanted to forget everything, first, I had buisness to take care of.

Something was wrong and I needed information, also I needed to make some deals, and scare a motherfucker off.  Some fucker wanted to negotiate about sales. Never gonna happen. Everyone knew: I don't negotiate. But after all that was taken care of, I was gonna party, hard.

Also, Evelyn Ambers was probably on her way home to the U.S anyways so hopefully she would not be a distraction anymore.

Little did he know she had made no plans on leaving anytime soon.


Evelyns POV:

''Are you guys ready to leave soon'' Sienna yelled from the living room. "Yes!" me and Luna yelled back. The girls had made plans for us to visit a new club opening today. The club was called "The Devil's Secret". Exiting. Tonight, I wanted to forget everything and just get wasted with my new friends. I wanted to let go of all worries about the mission and Maxence D'amore for one night. Before I needed to get started with my plan tomorrow. I wanted to forget those golden eyes, who they belonged to and what he had done for just one night. While I was finishing of my eyeliner, my mind wandered, as it so usually did these days, back to Maxence and his body. It was actually a shame, having to kill someone with a body sculpted like a Greek good. Not that I had a choice, I had taken on this mission and I refused to back down. Not to mention I wanted to do it.... Right?

Yes of course. He killed my father. But it was just a lot harder than I expected, killing someone. Or was it killing him in particular that was hard? The way I felt a spark every time we touched or just looked at each other. And the way he made me feel so alive and full of emotion..Hatred of course, but it was still emotion. Something I hadn't felt for over a year. But deep down I knew that even before dad died and my friend and boyfriend betrayed me, I had never felt something like this before, something so strong. But it had to be hatred, what else could it be? Thinking about him made me so confused. I once read in a book that: love and hate are the same feelings, just experienced under different circumstances. But I would NOT call this love, maybe attraction, but not love. I really hoped it was just purely hatred that made me feel this way. I couldn't let myself feel any type of attraction towards the man who had killed my father, I just couldn't.

I needed to put the sparks aside and focus on the feeling of hatred. Hatred was what was gonna get me through this, and help me get my revenge. I finished my makeup and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a confused look on my face, maybe because I was confused. That's what that fucker did to me, he made me confused and unsure about myself and made me question my thoughts and feelings. Ugh this was the reason I wanted to forget everything and everyone and just have the night of my life. Tonight, I was gonna go back to being the person I was before, before everything changed. Before those golden eyes ruined everything. I was gonna have one night without him influencing every decision in my life. Tonight I was gonna focusone me and only me, nothing else mattered.

Lets go partyyyy!!!


Authors Note:

Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter!

What so you think will happen next?

Which character do you like the most/relate the most to?

We have a lot of tests coming up the next week so we will not be as active, but we will deffinetly try to upload as often as possible!

As always, we are so thankful for each and everyone of you and please leave any feedback you have as a comment here. We read all your comments!

Follow us on instagram for more updates about upcoming chapters etc: @dancingwiththedevilwattpad


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