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•The Light Camp grounds•

Lavinia sighed and leant back into Ezekiel, the two of them were sitting side by side on one of the many picnic blankets strewn around the firepit though the sun was scarcely setting. The White Warrior soothed the flyaway hairs at her shoulder with one large hand. Lavinia had said very little for the past few days and at the request of Draco, Elentiya was giving her space. Still, either Draco or Ezekiel never left her side and she was grateful for it as she toyed with one of the slender braids in Zeke's long white hair. Tucked up between his legs, her back to his chest, she was far more comfortable than she knew she should be.

"Do you need to talk about it?" he asked absentmindedly, seeming to find great interest in the ring and bracelet she wore-- her third piece of jewellery, the necklace from her Gryffindor father was thankfully abandoned in the box in her room. She could not bear to carry the weight of it on her chest at that time, knowing he had lied to her all her life. It was the betrayal of it that hurt the most. 

"I feel as though I am having an identity crisis," she decided and he chuckled roughly into her ear, making her jolt away from him slightly. 

"You are having an identity crisis, Angel. But still, I know who you are, you know who you are. You have been through so many identities-- Lavinia Matthews, Lavinia Hogwarts, Aeliana Darthoridan. You merely need to decide which you wish to keep. No matter what name you choose to go by, you are still you. Badass, sexy as hell angel of my life. My opinion of you will never change and neither will Draco's. You have us and I mean, what could be better than that?" he teased, pinching her side slightly until she laughed. 

"I am glad to hear that sound again," a new voice quipped as Draco rounded the now-roaring fire, dressed gloriously as ever. Her heart flipped at the sight of him and she knew that no matter what, that reaction to him would remain the same throughout all of eternity-- for that was how long the three of them now had together. Forever. Together until the end, as the prophecy had proclaimed. Lavinia did not yet have the chance to consider what precisely that meant. "You two look comfy," he winked as he crouched in front of them,"

"Join us," Ezekiel smirked and Draco chuckled, leaning forward and taking his girlfriends lips, sealing them with a kiss. Ezekiel, no more than an inch away-- groaned and leant back to look at the sky. "Where's mine?"

"One day," Draco winked and Zeke chuckled out in shock. "Dumbledore is looking for you, Nia Baby," Draco hummed, kissing her gently on the end of the nose and she giggled, screwing it up. When she was with him she felt as though she was stable, as though she had everything under control for once in her life and it was a glorious sensation. "Something about a mission," he smirked when he watched her grow in excitement, bounding to her feet happily. "Have fun," he winked. 

"Stay safe," Ezekiel added, lying back on the ground and tossing one arm over his eyes. The two of them always said that when they were separated, though they often switched who said which. Lavinia was just grateful that they were so accepting of her going away and putting herself in danger. She could not have asked for a better two people at her sides for eternity. They were nothing short of perfect and she gave Draco another kiss-- Zeke one on the forehead as he pouted before she was bounding off to find the professor with a new jump in her step. 

It did not take very long to track him to the room with the archway and as she entered through the doorway, she found him staring intently at it. She had found herself doing the same thing frequently over the past few days and somehow she knew what he was thinking, what he was considering. Moving to his side, Lavinia watched the swirling mass at its centre. It was still bizarre to consider that she had come from there. All those years had been a lie but still, she was grateful deep down for every single one-- without them, she would not have been there with the people who brought her such joy.

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