"'It is heartbreak,' he said to Camael, 'it is human.' And then Camael finally understood. He was one of the Fallen. Cursed with a human-like body, he would live forever, and he would not age. If he was wounded, he would heal almost right away, the only thing left would be the blood that was shed. He could not die a mortal death."

"Naarai looked upon Camael one last time before taking the girl who had awakened and was staring up at him in wonder, and disappearing back into the folds of God, leaving him alone with the priest. 'You are repentant,' the priest said, patting him on the arm, 'I see that in you. Come let us pray for your forgiveness together.' Years passed, and still, Camael thought of the girl. He truly loved her, because he could see her for who she was before even truly knowing her. He had truly looked upon her that one time, and had fallen in love forever."

"Cael," I whisper. "That was beautiful,"

The scene changes.

Cael yawns, "So are you going to tell me what happened tonight? Or am I going to have to guess."

"Guess," I laugh quietly as he yawns again.

"Did you...trip and fall into the punch?"

I make a game show buzzer noise, "Wrong answer. You lose this round. Which was the only round," it's my turn to yawn, "I'm exhausted."

He smiles, "Just go to sleep, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

I don't know how long I wait to say it but after a while I whisper, "Are you the angel?"

No response.

"From the story?"

He waits what feels like forever, until finally, his signature sad smile appears on his lips, and he nods his head, the movement sending that stubborn piece of hair over his closed eyes. "Yeah," he whispers back, "I am."

"What does that make me?" I ask. He closes his eyes. "Please, all of this weird stuff is happening and I know you said you couldn't tell me right away but I think it's time, Cael." I whisper. "You told me to trust you, but you need to trust me too."

"You're the girl." He says, opening his eyes and looking deep into my own. "You're the purest soul on Earth. You're the one I Fell for and I have never regretted it. I will never regret it."

The scene changes again.

A growl of frustration bubbles up my throat before I can stop it. "Can my life get any more convoluted? Because I am seriously getting really annoyed at all of the curveballs being thrown my way. My best friend can turn into a giant fox and produce fire out of thin air, my boyfriend is a Fallen angel and ex Guardian, and my other friends are either Nephilim or more of the Fallen! I would like to take a moment of silence for my fucking sanity."

It changes once more.

Camael is beautiful. He is the complete personification of divine love, and he shines in a breathtaking blue light. His sobs are gut-wrenching. Verchiel is not shining as bright, but she radiates a warmness that feels contagious and I can't help but smile. Her glory is purple. They are both so beautiful that my eyes close without my permission.

Again the scene changes, but this time it's like a slideshow of faces.

Mom and Papa. Cara. Cael. Vicky. Tristan. Liam. Samael. Lisa. Sam. Grandma Coal. Kids from school. People from town.

And it's like my mind is being filled with my memories at light speed.

Cara laughing. Vicky drinking a cup of coffee. Sam asking for a hug. Cael brushing his hair off of his forehead. Tristan looking lovingly at Cara. Liam scolding Sam for something. Samael braiding Lisa's hair. Grandma Coal smiling at me. Mom and Papa relaxing in the living room.

Exodus - The Khiara Banning Series Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now