you: como la flooooor, con tanto amoooor, me diste tuuuuuu, see marchitooooooo, me marcho hoyyyyyy, yo se perdeeeeeer, perro aaaaaaaaaaaaay como me dueleeeeeeeee

cesar: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bitch 

you: shut up and watch 

you lay there and he swings his arm over your body as you continue watching the show and he farts

you: oh my god cesar stop trying to murder me with your farts dude it won't happen okay 

cesar: be quiet

he pekcs your lips and you get up and push him farther onto the bed and you make him lay on his stomach and you lay on top of him on your stomach and unpause the show

cesar: baila esta cumbia or como la flor

you: either

cesar: pick one or you die

you: como la flor is legendary for sure it took AB long as hell to figure it out I remember hearing about it but baila will always be my favorite

cesar; you'll always be my favorite

you: stop it. now. its cute. 

cesar: yea I know. you never stop telling me

you: okay and.

cesar: but its okay cuz you my wiiiiife 

you smile at him returning your focus to the show until the door opens

monse: hey guys

you: hi 

cesar: ello child

monse: shut up 

jamal: where were you guys 

you :here watching shows the walk was boring

jamal: whatever

you all go to the cafeteria and you and you sit at a table with cesar, monse, jamal, maya, Dominic, grayson, max, and luke. and cesar sit next to you 

you: I just want ramennnn

cesar: well they don't have ramennnn so eat or starve and die in a hole

you: go die in a fire

cesar: go die in a shooting

you: go drown 

cesar: blleeeeeeeeeeh 


you push him and he pushes you 

you :stoooop you asshole 

you sit there eating and talking to everyone and you feel his hand on your thigh under the table and you put your head down as you cheek become a bit red

maya: val you good you're kinda red

you: hm? i-i'm just uhhhh cold. 

she shrugs her shoulders and you feel his hand moving higher and you grab it

you: *whisper* stop it I don't like that we might get caught

he rolls his eyes at you throwing away you, monse, jamals, and his trash and you all go back to your cabin and you lay in your own bed and fall asleep until a teacher comes in waking you up 

you: ugh god what

Mrs. Rivera: just a quick check go back to sleep 

you ignore her and sit on staring at monse

On My Block X Shoreline MafiaWhere stories live. Discover now