Chapter 17: The Royal 6 Princesses

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                   Following Rose, guilt crept up behind her, reminding herself of all she did to Rose and what she wanted to say. Reaching to a safe space in the forest behind where Rose's family stood, Kathryn rose from the ground, building up the courage to apologize to her. "Rose?" She called her, visual outcomes of the conversation flashed within her mind back to back. Each outcome became worse than the last, causing Kathryn to spiral and increase her anxiety about apologizing to Rose. Maybe she won't forgive me, maybe she'll hate me. These were kinds of thoughts that had her spiraling repeatedly until a sound of a familiar voice interrupted. "Yes, Kath?" Rose answered back, raising an eyebrow and pursing her lips. "Well, I wanted to apologize for making you upset when we last saw each other, and I didn't know about what you were going through. I promise to ask if you want a hug, instead of just assuming you want one," Kathryn apologized, hoping she would forgive her at least, whether it was now or later. Rose wasn't sure what to say, she had never really gotten an apology in her life, usually, she just dealt with the abuse, fighting with violence if needed. Though, at this moment, a side of Rose was now shown into the light, tears pouring down from her face again like before, but this time she wiped them up, forcing herself to toughen up. "Thanks for the apology," She told her, fidgeting her fingers with insecurity inside herself. "No problem, but we need to take care of this Zareth problem, it's getting out of hand," Kathryn told her. Rose nodded in agreement, placing her half-clenched hand upon her lips, thinking of what to do. Kathryn did the same until they both heard footsteps, Rose grasped her scythe while Kathryn ignited her left hand with fire, and held a small steel dagger in her dominant hand. However, both of them lowered their guards down, by lowering their defenses by the sight of two familiar girls. The same light brunette with medium long hair, honey skin, amber-brown eyes, wearing a coffee brown renaissance gown with organza sleeves and a panel with heels of the same color. Standing next to the girl on the left had short pink hair with eyes of light blue and freckles, wearing a candy red maxi medieval dress with organza sleeves and heels of the same color as well. Seeing these girls, Rose and Kathryn smiled at their presence, "Mocha!! Sakura!!" Kathryn cheered, sharing a hugging embrace with Sakura and Mocha, the both of them smiled back, giving back the same embrace shared with them. Rose kept her distance, wanting to join in, but scared of what would happen, but Kathryn turned to her. She was still hugging the others in a group hug, looking at Rose with a grin of glee, but turned her smile to a frown with a face of empathy in her blue sapphires. Rose looked back with hesitation in her heart but stepped closer towards the group hug. Kathryn reached out her arm, offering her a hug if she wanted to join in. Rose looked at Kathryn, then over to Mocha and Sakura, then over to herself, looking down at her hands. "Rose? Did you want to join?" Kathryn asked with hesitation, not sure of her reaction to the question. With tears whelping up in her eyes, Rose ran towards them, sharing another embrace of something she had never felt before in her life. Love, except it wasn't romantic, it was sister love, family love and with the four of them there that same feeling was shared. However, it wasn't shared for long, due to Valentino, Valerius, and the rest of his guards noticed a speck of hanging blonde hair within the open space of the leaves within the big bushes covering Kathryn from them. Valentino heard a pleasant, but a honey-like voice with a tone of friendliness, with an ounce of the caring person she can be. "Kathryn Poe, Project 2K," Valentino Zareth chuckled, moving the leaves of the bushes out of his way, approaching the four girls in his sight. "What do you want, Valentino?" she snapped, putting herself in front of her friends.

"I think you know exactly, what I want,"

"And that is?"

"You as my weapon, keeping this kingdom mine!!"

Valentino pulled her towards his side as he stated his answer to her question.

"Hey!! Stop it!! Let go!!!"

   "Shut it, Project 2K!!" Valentino shouted before Rose knocked him out, running with Kathryn, Sakura, and Mocha at her side. Doing this, the four of them ran as fast as they could, trying to lose the guards behind them. Kathryn looked behind her, seeing the angry guards catching up to her, almost to the point of where she could be taken. A scary thought in Kathryn's mind, the thought that slowed her down, slowing her friends down enough for Kathryn to be caught already. Kathryn screamed, pulling her hand out of the guard's while she also tried to smack his hand away as well. Within enough screaming, she became frustrated enough to burn his hand, making him let go of her so she could run away again. Running again, all four girls arrived at a small gravel driveway leading to a medium-sized house designed with dark oak and white cement, but with an old industrial look to it. The door had created in oak wood, with four spaces for the windows near the top, giving a literal insight into the inside of the house. Looking at the house, Kathryn could see two unfamiliar girls approach the door, looking inside as if they wanted someone. Curious as a cat, she tiptoed over to them, following their every move while Rose, Sakura, and Mocha followed behind Kathryn. Mocha, who wasn't sure about any of this, but yet kept following Kathryn, hoping nothing horrible would happen to them. However, as they kept following these two girls in front of them, the two girls stopped in front of a series of photos. These photos were familiar pictures of all six girls standing in the old house, each one of them were all creeped out by the pictures they saw. "This is legit creepy!!" Rose pointed out, raising her voice a little bit higher than usual. "Shh!!" Kathryn shushed her, placing her index finger upon her lips. After that, Rose crossed her arms, whispering out loud, "I'm just saying!!". Though as she stated that the other two girls jumped, screaming in fear by Rose's sudden voice. The two girls had appearances of similar, but different kinds of looks. The girl on the left's appearance consisted of a tan girl with caramel brown hair, and kind hazel brown eyes. As for the girl next to her, she had a consistent appearance of a pale girl with light chestnut brown hair and kind sparking light sapphires for eyes.

"Who are you?!!" The girl on the left asked, backing up a little bit.

    "Yeah, who are all of you?!!" The mysterious girl next to her repeated after. "I'm Kathryn, and these are my friends and family. The one on my left side, her name is Rose, the one on my right side is Mocha, and last, but not least the girl next to Mocha is Sakura," Kathryn explained, pointing to every girl that she talked about, including herself as well. The two girls nodded their heads, showing their understanding of everyone and their names. "Well, Kathryn, I'm Amber and this is Caitlyn," Amber told her, pointing to herself first, then Caitlyn next. "I see, so why you here? You're not princesses as far as I can tell," she asked in what seemed to be a rude tone. "We are princesses, thank you very much, our mothers are a part of the royal family, Thank you!!!" Caitlyn lashed out, almost lunging at her in anger, but Amber held her back. Kathryn stepped back, hoping she didn't anger her, but thinking of her actions, she knew she probably did. However, apologies would have to wait for a loud pound on the door was made and all six girls would now be in trouble.  

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