Mari's life in France

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Mari-el, or now Marinette Dupain-Cheng, had a good life in Paris. Her adopted parents were both wonderfully sweet and weren't able to get pregnant. Sure they were a little neglective but that was bound to happen being business owners to a booming bakery. Plus, Mari had been taught to be independent. She hadn't told them about her situation because she had always been taught to be wary.

Mari was always smart, so with her natural intelligence and league teachings she knew practically everything taught in class and focused on her new found hobby of designing in class, as she sat in the back.

When she was 13, the reign of hawkmoth had begun. She had just begun to get a few new powers such as super hearing and her eyesight has been extra sharp recently. She was on her way to school for the first day of the year when she had seen an old man about to get hit by a car. Her instincts kicked in and she used just enough superspeed to get the man to safety without getting caught. She reached the other side with him, checked him over and was on her way.

She got to class and was about to head to the back with the only one with even a fraction of the knowledge she had, Max Kanté, when the incompetent teacher told her to sit AT THE FRONT so she could welcome the new student. Since when he she been welcoming and how on Earth was she supposed to ignore the teacher at the front?! But, she knew that life often wasn't fair so she sucked it up, gave a small apologetic smile to Max and plonked herself down on the front row.

The new girl was one Alya Césaire, local blogger and superhero enthusiast. Now, Mari wasn't a rude person and tried her best not to judge people but this girl... she just wouldn't stop talking so she immediately had a bad opinion. And when the girl asked her who she hung out with and she had told her she preferred to be by herself, alya had just DECLARED herself her bestie. I mean come on! Her best friend was obviously Damian.

Chloe and Mari had always been civil. Both respected each other because they each seemed to not be underestimated and that made both girls stay out of the others way.

So, that day mari had gone home after a stone person started roaming the streets. She remembers Talia telling her and Damian stories about superman so hopefully he can save the day. But alas, it was too good to be true.

She found a small box on her desk. It didn't look like a bomb... She grabbed her hidden dagger just in case and carefully removed the lid. A green glow appeared, temporarily blinding her, and upon opening her eyes she found a small black cat like creature looking at her with wide excited eyes.

"Oh my Camembert" the little black blob shouted coming right up In Maris face. "I've had a few interesting chosens in my time but never have I had a alien!" The thing started babbling on excitedly about how a trixx would be so jealous and whole lot of Mumbo jumbo. Mari decided that she wanted an explanation.

" um excuse me but what exactly are you and why are you here?" She asked cautiously.

"Oh right!" The flying blob said, stopping its rambling to face the young alien. " I am plagg the kwami of destruction and you my dear kit, have been chosen to protect Paris against the holder of the butterfly miraculous!" Mari blinked at the thin- plagg, before recalling one of her teachings.

"A kwami?" At plaggs nod she continued, "I believe that talia told me about kwamis and miraculi. Kwamis represent the things that make up the world itself and the miraculi were made so that they could interact with the human world. So technically your a mini god?"

After the whole explanation of how she knew that and why she was needed, they had headed out and luckily her powers weren't effected by the suit. She helped 'mister-bug' as lady noir with the akuma but she hated her partner. He was supposed to be the one who saves the day but she was doing all the work except curing the butterfly and fixing the damage and yet, this boy got all the credit. And not only that, it was soooo obvious that he was the sheltered new kid, adrien, in her class.

However she does love being a hero and her and plagg are super close and enjoy creating a great deal of chaos.

Then came the problem of getting even more powers at 15! She had gotten her x-ray vision, lazer eyes, freeze breath, all the enhanced senses but she felt as though there would be another major power. But she was stressed, it was weird getting used to all these things and she only had plagg to help her through it all.

This was also the time one lie-la Rossi had arrived. Now mari is usually quite cheerful despite her less than experiences. But this she-devil had come in and told the most unbelievable lies! I mean jagged and a kitten?! Puh-lease, jagged has an interview stating he loathes cats and always has, apart from lady noir cause she's 'rock n'roll!'. Hell, she was his honorary niece, she had dinner with him every Thursday, she should know! And Lila had some how abducted everyone's brain cells, even Max's. Then she had the audacity to threaten Mari! God that girl got on her nerves.

So she did what any hero would do and set out for justice. She tried telling her so-called bestie that Lila was lying but alya had gotten it into her thick head that Mari had a crush on Agrest of all people and she was jealous that he was paying attention to Lila. Yuck! And agrest even knew about Lila but had told the young kyrptonian to ' take the high road' ! He can stick that up his model ass for all she cares.

So yeah it all went down hill from there. Lila turned everyone into mindless sheep. Her adopted parents also bought it so she was living with jagged in his suite in la grande Paris. But her and Chloe were friends after bonding about being the only ones that aren't alhamqaa. And another plus is that she learned how to fly! She had officially gotten all her powers. But she was also now the guardian of the miraculi as fu had gotten himself caught and now had no memory. Mister-bug wasn't trust worthy enough to be a guardian, at least fu knew that.

He had started slacking off. Flirting relentlessly and even feeling her up once before she almost broke his wrist. He wouldn't show up to battle and she'd have to keep the akuma in a special jar until he came to ask her out at patrol. So she had a dilemma. She was a true destruction soul so couldn't weild the ladybug miraculous.

But then Mari came across the brilliant swordsman, one kagami tusargi. She was perfect, a skilled fighter, sense of justice and her morals were right. So after testing her with the dragon miraculous, she sent out to the agrest mansion. She met tikki who agreed with Mari. So she stealthily took the earrings and gave them to kagami.

And Mari was right to do so, because they worked perfectly together. And soon there civilian identities became closer. So mari wasn't to worried about her life at the moment. All she had to do was defeat hawkmoth, get through school( whether she needs it or not), and find her betrothed.

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