"Fine. So Jeongguk... as I was saying, you have to be in SNU tomorrow at 8 in the morning to deliver an inspirational message to the---"

 "I'm not going." Jeongguk interrupted his assistant slash best friend while he's playing with his digital pen on his fingers. 

 "Excuse me?"

Jeongguk smirks at his assistant as he lifted his two feet and rest them on top of his table.

 "I said I'm not going. Cancel it." he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes knowing that Seokjin will lose his mind again.

 "Mr. Je--Jeongguk for goodness sake! You can't just cancel a very important speaking engagement in less than 24 hours! The university is already expecting you because we sent them a confirmation that you're going to attend that event." Seokjin is trying his best to be polite even when all he wants to do is smack his boss' head!

"Then send them a message again, give them an excuse because Jin...I'm not going." Jeongguk said with a sly smirk knowing exactly what he's doing to his assistant.

 "And why are you even cancelling at the last minute when you don't even have other things to do tomorrow?"

"Why am I even going there? What will I get in return?" the CEO asked back.Seokjin sighs. He knows what Jeongguk is doing. He is not cancelling because he wants to cancel but he is backing out because he wants something. He knows his best friend and boss too well already.

"What the hell do you want now?!" Seokjin asked, not even trying to be nice at all since he knows that there's only the two of them in the CEO's office. HE knows he could never treat Jeongguk like that in front of anyone else aside from their two other friends.

Jeongguk smiles to himself. He knows his assistant will catch on his drift and again, he's impressed how Seokjin immediately gets what he wants. 

 "You see, we just managed to launched two new apps successfully. Don't you think I deserve a reward Jin?" he slyly asked to him.

'Here we go again.' Seokjin thought to himself upon seeing the sly smirk of his boss. Of course he was right a while ago, Jeongguk is just being a brat again.

 "So what reward do you need right now? You're the CEO, why don't you give it to yourself?!" he said with a frown.

Jeongguk shakes his head off when he heard his assistant's words.

 "The thing is, I can't."

 "And why is that? You're the boss of course you can get whatever you want." Seokjin insisted but the CEO just shakes his head off again.

 "Nope, not this time." Jeongguk replied.

"Fine, so what do I need to do or get for you Mr. Jeon?" Seokjin's voice is laced with sarcasm but Jeongguk just smiled back at him.

 "I'm so bored Jin..it's been a while.. I want you to pick me a doll." Jeongguk said, his voice now sounds so dangerous. 

 Seokjin gulps.

"D-doll as in...wtf?! No! Jeongguk no! The last time you had a doll it was messy and that girl really gave me a hell to clean up with the media! It almost destroyed what you have built! So no! We are not taking any of those b*tches again. Ask me other thing Jeongguk but that!"

"That's why I'm asking you to pick one for me this time so we don't have to deal with another Jeny! It's been a while Jin, you know I'm a healthy man too who needs someone to play with." Jeongguk said with a smug face that Seokjin wishes to erase right at that moment.

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