And Now This Game Has Two

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What is this? Something not about Paulkins or Hannah?? Heck yeah!!

Okay so Time Bastard is my comfort song and I wanted to write something about Jenny but I didn't have any ideas so here's a detailed description of her death scene :)

-Ted being a horny bastard but that happens in the actual scene too



Andy's asked me to move in with him. I've said yes. Not because I wanna go to Clivesdale. Fuck Clivesdale. It's just... seeing you every day, knowing you don't love me back. It's... too painful. I'll probably never see you again, but I want you to know that you were the best friend I ever had.

I love you, Teddy.

Forever and always.

- Jenny.

Jenny put the pen down, wiping tears from her eyes as she stared at the letter, and the twenty-two crumpled sheets of paper that scattered her desk.

She grabbed an envelope, knowing that if she stared at that page any longer, she'd throw it right on the pile of failed attempts. She had to keep wiping her face as she sealed the letter, writing Ted's address in her best handwriting.

If only he'd love her back.

If only he knew how she felt.

Then, maybe, she wouldn't have to move with Andy. He's a great guy and all, but deep inside she longed for Ted.

Jenny barely realized she'd reached the mailbox, taking a deep breath before she opened it, and hesitating for a second, before dropping the letter inside, tears stinging in her eyes as she heard it fall onto the other letters in there.

"Jenny!" a voice behind her called, footsteps rapidly coming closer. "JENNY!"

She spun around, looking straight at him.

That bastard.


Ted leaned on the mailbox, smiling at her as he caught his breath. "Hey, babe."

Jenny blushed, looking down at her feet. "Hey, yourself... babe?"

It was then that she finally got a good look at him. He looked older, and... "Is that a mustache?"

Ted smirked. "It's called a bush-brush. It's the most sensual part of a man. You'll find out why." He put his arm around her, but she shook it off, taking a step backward.

Jenny sighed. "Listen, Teddy..." She gestured at the mailbox behind him. "I just sent you a letter, but that's cowardly. Maybe I should just tell you how I fee-"

He puts a finger to her lips to silence her, and he smiled at her.

Not that sweet smile she used to love, but more like a grin.

"You don't have to say anything. You can tell me all about it... with your body."


She took another step back as he reached for her arm. "Ted, you're acting... different."

Ted chuckled, running a hand through his greasy hair. "You bet your ass! Which I love, by the way." He looked down, and laughed. "Ha! Always wanted to say that!"

"Okay, why are you talking like such a... horny bastard?"

"Because that's what I am! That's what I became, for you! You chose the pushy asshole, so I became the pushy asshole! That's what you want, right?"

"No!" She chuckled anxiously, her hands in her pockets, gripping her phone tightly. "I don't know what's happening right now, but you're not acting like the guy I'm in love with!"

The words left her mouth before she realized her mistake.

Love. It's a beautiful thing, really. But it can be a dangerous emotion, if you're not careful.

"Sorry..." she stammered. "We're both acting weird right now. I'm gonna go..."

She turned around to walk home, but he grabbed her wrist tightly.

"No! I lost you once, I'm never gonna let you go again."

"Please, Ted!"

Jenny fights to free her arm, pushing him hard as soon as he lets go.

Her hand bumps into something solid, there's a bright flash, and for a moment she freezes.

There's a small dot on her chest, it's glowing, and soon it wraps around her body, like glowing vines tangled around her limbs.

"No... This damn thing!"

Ted takes a small device from his pocket, it's not much bigger than a phone, with a small light flickering above the red button. Jenny looks as he smashes it on the ground.

What was happening? Everything hurt, and... "Teddy..." she whimpered, stumbling into his arms. "Teddy, it hurts," she sobs, staring in terror as her feet turn to dust, flying away in the wind.

"I'm scared, Teddy..."

Ted cradles her body. "Please, no. No, no, no, no, no..."

The pain slowly fades to an uncomfortable numbness, and if she looks down she can see that most of her body is gone by now. "Teddy..."

All she wanted was for him to love her back. Not this creep, whoever this mustache-wearing version of him was.

The pain reached her neck, and she stared at him, tears stinging in her eyes.

In her last few seconds, she doesn't even think about Andy. All she can think about is...


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