bonus chapter! vol.2

94 15 44

hi guys!
so, again, i decided to make some 'imagine if sakanoke members have an instagram'
seriously, it was funnn but took a long times haha.

let's rock it!

1. Adip
anak feeds detected.

 Adipanak feeds detected

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2. Reon
b&w 4 lyfeee.

 Reonb&w 4 lyfeee

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3. Zuan
tipe user abis dipost gak lama di archive, nyesuain feeds biar tetep aesthetic.

 Zuantipe user abis dipost gak lama di archive, nyesuain feeds biar tetep aesthetic

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4. Aksa
rules ig aksa :
feeds harus rapih, gak kaya hidup, berantakan.
feeds harus aesthetic ngalahin semua anak sakanoke.
feeds harus banyak isi muka sendiri.

feeds harus banyak isi muka sendiri

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5. Felix
tipe user kalo ngepost jangka waktunya lama banget, agak nolep dikit lah.

 Felixtipe user kalo ngepost jangka waktunya lama banget, agak nolep dikit lah

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6. Dikta
muka emang bikin terpesona, tapi yang diumbar pesona alam.
(nicholas saputra lo?)

(nicholas saputra lo?)

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7. Japran
tempat cozy + instagramable dikit, cekrek-upload.

 Japrantempat cozy + instagramable dikit, cekrek-upload

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8. Rama
tipe user lebih suka selfie, jadi bahan postingan sangat tipis.

 Ramatipe user lebih suka selfie, jadi bahan postingan sangat tipis

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9. Cakka
semua postingan bau duit.

HAHAHA ARE YOU GUYS FEELING ENJOY?sorry i can't make some member's feed being soo aesthetic like use effect or filter for all photos and make the feeds match hahaha

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sorry i can't make some member's feed being soo aesthetic like use effect or filter for all photos and make the feeds match hahaha.

last but not least,
which sakanoke's instagram feeds be ur fave?
please comment down below hahaha!

have a blast day guys!✨🌸
[anyway, all pics from pinterest!]



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