Down The Rabbit Hole

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Chapter 1

Down The Rabbit Hole

It was a sunny spring day and out in a large flowery meadow just outside the city of Edinburgh, there was a young woman of about 25 years of age was walking through and feeling annoyed with life. The girl's name was Alice Kingsley and wore tight navy-blue jeans, a white blouse with a dark blue camisole over it, black walking boots and a choke collar. Though she might have not thought of it, she was a very beautiful young lady with blue eyes and long blonde hair that at first had all the featured that any red blooded male would have wanted in a girl; sadly most people didn't seem to notice this about her. Instead, it was her large ass.

For as far back as she could remember, everyone had made fun of her large rear end with one unfortunate chapter of her life during High School was that the girls making horrid jokes about her and the boys attempting to spank her whenever she walked by. She really could not understand why she had been cursed with such an enormous butt, but even if she was to ignore that, that wasn't the end of her troubles.

Alice never had any real friends, and this was always about her absent minded personality and curious nature which often got her into trouble such as never paying attention in class ("What is point of reading a book without any pictures in it?" She had asked her English teacher once) to what others said and this was partly the reason why she had been never successful in having a relationship (most only ever wanting to grope her ass not surprisingly) or having a stable job. Bottom line (no pun intended), she was totally out of place here and Alice had grown to feel this world was too boring for her.

"Oh, to find a world of my own," Alice sighed as she sat down at the base of a large oak tree. "They say I speak just nonsense, what do they know?"

'They' being her parents, perhaps the ones that caused much annoyance in her life. Alice came from an upper middle-class background in which her mother and father had wanted her to drop her childish ways and act more like a lady, though Alice despite her parent's best attempts at making her think one way such as sending her to a private school to achieve a high education, their efforts had failed as not only was she something of a socially awkward person to many but deep down had something of a frisky side that was waiting to come out.

Her relationship with her parents had gotten more strained as she became an adult to the point in which once she had moved out, she never spoke to them again though the blonde haired girl suspected her parents were glad she was out of their lives.

As she began threading a daisy chain together from a patch of flowers, she was sitting next to; more of her typical childish behaviour on display. It was then as she finished making the chain, she suddenly had an idea about nonsense she said earlier.

"That's it! If I had a world of my own, everything would be full of nonsense and I wouldn't have to act like a lady. But where would I find such a place?"

She looked around at the vast meadow before her and pondered the situation. She had always liked coming over to this location many times to escape and just be herself which given the fact she lived in a small flat on her own with nosy neighbours around wondering what she was doing which was pretty much everyday.

The sun was blazing down with hardly any clouds in the sky, and Alice was glad she'd found this tree to take shelter under as she could keep cool while she looked over the rolling hills of insects buzzing around and distract road traffic could be heard heading to and from the city.

Looking around making sure no one was around, she found herself getting hot and bothered by the sun and it wasn't long before she found it hard to control her urges, so she slipped her hand down her jeans and began to pleasure herself. 

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