"Hey your number 1!"

You look in front of you as a short stubby man blocks your view, the same man holding drinks in his arms as he gives you a almost forced smile

"Number one?... Oh my badge?" You ask confused as you pull at your clothing, looking at the badge connected as the man chuckles a bit before giving you a nod

"Yeah that means you where the first one to make it to the hunters exam! That's really impressive for a kid your age!"

"Is it?" You asks fixing your shirt back before hearing the man snap off one of his orange sodas

"Sure is! I'm tonpa! I'm basically an elder for the hunter exam, I haven't seen you around though so for good luck and friendship here's a drink!"

Tonpa holds the orange kind of soda in-front of you, waiting for you to grab it with a nervous smile as you hum

Looking at his hands with slight hesitation before you take his offering, holding the drink in your hand as you read the label

"Pretty impressive for a rookie to be number one! You really got your work handed to you kid, especially with this years lineup!" he says as he drinks his soda fast, one eye open a bit as he sees you holding it awkwardly

"Hey what's wrong? Nothings wrong with the soda I swear!" He says disappointed, you can almost feel the nervousness from his voice as you put the can on the ground

"I don't drink anything from men these days, just not worth the risk it's set with"

Sweat goes down his forehead before he nods his head understanding, walking away as he slowly disappeared from your vision

You can't help but feel the strange noise rising from your mouth, blinking at where he stood confused before standing up

"He's certainly..... a character?" You say before continue to wonder around, soon making it next to the elevator as you walk next to the opening, trying to find beans in the crowd as you don't even notice the ding of the doors

The elevator door opening next to you quickly, making you slow down before looking at the three different boys inside as one looks at the tunnel with amazement..

"Wow! Look there's so many people" the smallest one says with a great big smile as you raise your eyebrow at him, there really should be a age limit for this exam...

"It seems we aren't the first ones here like we intended..." the blond one says as you look away, trying to walk away from the group to find bean-

"Oh hey!! I didn't think I would see you here!" A hand quickly grabs your shirt as you look behind you with a confused sound, seeing the same spiked hair kid smiling up at you

"Um, have we met before?" You question yourself as you try and scan your memories to see if you met this... kid?

"Woah you have badge number 1! That must mean you where the first contestant to arrive here! That's so cool how'd you do it!" He says happily as you still try and figure out why he's talking to you, the friends of his walking up behind him

"Gon it's not nice to walk up next to ladies!" The tall man in the suit says as the blonde one looks at you with curiosity, before his eyes drift to your badge

"That's amazing you must be really talented! I'm gon if you wanna know, can you tell me how you got here so quick?" Gon says with a smile as he shakes your hand


"Gons right, she was the first one here.. I'm kurapika" he says cutting you off from telling them, the boy giving you a little bow of his head as you raise an eyebrow, still hearing Gon talk your ear off to the side

"Leorio" the man with he suit says as you wave over, looking at Gon with suspicion before you shrugg

"I was here almost before the exam started, so I'm guessing that counts as me being the first contestant" you say crouching down to gons level as the boy gasp excitedly

"That's so cool y/n! Hey since you where hear first you probably know a lot!"

"Not really, this is my first time doing the hunter exam" you say fixing you hair, hearing their surprised gasps

"Are you kidding me! And you where the first one here! What does that mean for us!" Leorio screams as he looks at his badge scared, kurapika looking a bit surprised as Gon frowns

"So where all rookies huh..." kurapika says a bit disappointed as you look uninterested at there reactions, the mood of the tunnel looking up for you as the seriousness goes away

"How weird, most people are on edge down here but you three seem completely different" you say quietly as you catch the attention of tonpa

"Don't think I've seen you guys before!" A voice says from up above as the three look, seeing the fat man tonpa up on a pole, the man jumping down fast as the boys gasp

"You can tell it's our first time here?" Gon asks as you feel sweat go down your head. it's more than obvious even for a rookie yourself.... But tonpa is just sniffing out these rookies like gems

"More or less. It's getting easier, it's my thirty fifth attempt, so it comes with a territory!" The man says jolly as you raise your eyebrow

"That's not really something to brag about?" You and Leorio say together as the chubby man just laughs it off.

"I bet you could say I'm a hunter exam veteran, anyway if you have anymore questions I'd be happy to help!"

"Did you forget we already met?" You ask confused as the man tells Gon his name, the man's eyes widening a little at your sudden words before going back to jolly

"Oh yeah! Number 1! Sorry didn't really recognize you" he says as you look at him with a little doubt, I mean no one else here looks like you...

"Are you the only one who's tried the exam multiple times or are there others?" Gon asks as tonpa nods

"I might hold the record but yeah, there are others."

"Like that guy over there, number 255, todo the wrestler. Probably the strongest one here and he's smarter than he looks. Over there is 103 bourbon the snake charmer he can really hold a grudge so try not to get on his bad side, Number 191 bodoro the king fu master, the ori brothers, and 384 geretta the huntsman."

"So many men who think this year might be different" you say kinda sarcastically as Leorio snickers.

"Wow!" Gon says looks if around as you look to your sides seeing most of them relaxing for the exam, some even training or conversing in challenges..

A man pushes into you, not saying an apology as you remember the scene from earlier. Might as well bring attention

Kurapika next to you watches the veteran with interest, you follow as well as your eyes drift into the different set of people. Many who seem confident

As you focus on the different groups in the tunnels there's this ear piercing scream, catching everyone's attention as they move away from the scene

The man who bumped into you screaming in agony as his arms slowly turn into flower petals, A certain clown man next to him smirking as everyone backs away

"My, how unusual. Seems this poor man's arms have turned into flower petals. Now you see them now you don't."

Gon looks on a little horrified as you look at the clown men with wide eyes. So this is the man netero was referring too..

"And do apologize when you bump into someone especially a pretty girl~"

Looks like it's going to be more fun then expected..

𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓘𝓼 𝓢𝓱𝓮...𝐀 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐲? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum