Field Trip to Stark Tower

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Peter Parker or should I say Peter Stark was sat in AP Science waiting for the school bell to ring so he could go back to the tower and work on his web  see ever since Peter's Aunt May passed away a year ago he was adopted by the Tony Stark AKA Iron man and Pepper Potts-Stark, but no one knew he was a Stark alert from the Avengers and his two best friends Ned and MJ.

There was 5 minutes left of school when their teacher told them to pack away their things as he had an announcement to make about their upcoming field trip.

"Right class for our field trip this year we will be going to drum roll please ........ Stark Tower.  On your way out collect a permission slip to be signed by a parent or guardian. It must be handed in by tomorrow and we will be going on Friday" Said Mr. Harrington.

The whole of Peter's classmates broke out into excited whisper's about the prospect of going to the tower which happened to be his home.
"Yo Penis Parker are we going to meet your buddy Tony Stark, oh that's you don't know him" said Flash the school bully, whilst Flash's friends were laughing at his joke.

Peter just ignored him, he knew that if his family found out they would totally embarrass him in front of his whole class except maybe Pepper, Nat and Bruce.

"I'm so going to die on this trip" said Peter to his two friends.
"Don't overreact Peter, I'm sure it'll be fine" said Ned sympathetically, although Ned was too excited about it to really realise that Peter is in fact doomed.

Not long after the announcement was made the bell rang signalling the end of the school day, all the students rushed forwards to receive their permission slips. After Peter received his, him and Ned walked out of the schools gate talking about the next Lego set that they were planning in building until Peter saw Happy's car waiting.
"See you tomorrow man" said Peter as he got into the car to go back to the tower, to his home.

On the way to the tower Peter didn't talk Happy's ear off like he normally did as he was too busy thinking about how he's going to hide the fact that his field trip is to the tower and hide the permission slip from his  Superhero Family, but at the bottom of his heart he knew it was an impossible task and that he was only getting his hopes up of them not finding out about it. When Peter arrived at the tower he went straight up to the penthouse and as he exited the elevator the whole team was there in the sitting room. His dad was the first one to notice him. So much for avoiding them till tea time (only us Brits will understand).

"Hey Underoos how was school today? Asked his dad Tony Stark.
"It was good but I've got homework, so I'll just go and do that" said Peter and he made a dash to his room before they thought to question him more about his day.

2 hours later

When Peter entered the dining room he saw that his family were already seated and they were waiting for him in order to start eating. It was Steve's turn to cook which meant his famous Spag Bol. Just as they finished eating  Nat began waving a piece of paper around for the others to see which Peter soon realised was his permission slip.

"So pedòeHok nayk (baby spider) is there something you forgot to mention about your school field trip?" Said Nat who was smirking as she knew how the others were going to react once they knew where the location of it was.

"N-no I don't believe so" Peter stuttered, but he knew he had no hope of hiding it from them now, plus he was absolutely terrible at lying.

"Then what's this about your field trip being here at the tower on Friday" said Nat triumphantly knowing the chaos that's about to erupt.

"Please don't embarrass me during the trip, why do you think I tried to hide it from you lot?" Said Peter exasperated.

"Pass it here Nat, I'll sign it" said Tony, whilst Nat passed it over to dad so he could sign it, Peter knew there was no escape from the field trip now.

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