Chapter 1

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Lora POV

Another day before work and another peaceful day at the bookstore. I parked my car and walked into the building, searching for that new book, the last one to my series. I need to know what happens!

The smell of paper hit me and I sighed in content as I walked over to the new books. I know I'm on a hunt for the last book in the series that I'm reading but that doesn't mean I can't pick up another stray while I'm at it. Maybe I could find something to distract myself from work and Louise's insane complaining.

Louise is many things; annoying, frustrating, sweet, loving, independent, and a beta's daughter. She hasn't worked an honest days work in her life, so I'm still wondering how we manage to keep our rinky dink apartment. I had the job and make the money, she just spends it all on useless stuff like makeup.

"Aha!" I said as I pick up the book I'm looking for. "Finally."

"Can I help you miss?" a voice behind me asked.

I quickly spun around in fear of being found, but I relax when I see a hot guy standing there instead. He didn't look like he worked at the store, maybe he just wanted to flirt with me. I was very disappointed though; he wasn't my mate. But maybe that's a good thing, I mean, Louise wasn't very intent on me finding a mate.

But this guy was hot. His blonde hair was parted off the the side and his blue eyes were very bright. He was covered in muscles, but they weren't rippling ones like a body builder's. I wouldn't have minded if this guy was my mate.

"Um, no thanks," I smiled, holding up the book in my hand. "I found it."

"Oh, you're into the fantasy world, huh?" he smiled back.

"Yeah, aren't you?"

He smiled again. "Nah, I'm more into these books."

He pulled a book from the shelf and I raised an eyebrow at him. The book was a romance novel, something no guy would be interested in.

"Really? Sorry but, that's kind of lame."

He laughed and put the book back. "I thought all girls loved a guy who was into those kind of stories."

I laughed. "That's a little too girly, and there can only be one girl in a relationship. Otherwise, jeez, madhouse!"

He laughed harder. "I guess you're right." He extended his hand to me and said, "I'm Dan."

I shook it and smiled. "Lora."

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before."

Uh-oh. I took a deep breath and I caught his stench. He was a werewolf, and he emanated power. He was strong, but he wasn't from my old pack. Thank God, but when did a powerful wolf wander around here?

"Um, no not really. I've been here awhile," I lied.

"Really? How long have you lived here?" he asked, leaning on the bookshelf.

"Just a year or so." Or a few months.

"Hmm, I've never seen you here before."

I smiled. "Odd, I'm in here every other day."

He smiled again before someone called for him. He excused himself and I looked back at the books. At least he doesn't know I'm a rogue. If he did, I'd be killed on the spot and Louise would have to fend for herself. Hopefully I can leave without him knowing.

"Hello there," a voice said beside me.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't see the creepy manager come up to me. He was in his late thirties and he always flirted with me. I'm only twenty. I hated this creepy guy.



I walked over to the counter where my friend, Sam, called me over. He and I were doing surveillance in our territory, thankfully we found no one. But I did find a hot babe named Lora, sadly though she wasn't my mate.

"What man?" I asked him,not bothering to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"Jeez, what's your problem?" Sam smiled.

"I was talking to a girl."

"I saw that, but alpha says we need to wrap it up here."

I nodded. Always obey the alpha. I turned back around to say goodbye to the girl, but the creepy manager was talking to her. She looked very annoyed and uncomfortable, and I saw an oportunity to help a damsel-in-distress.

I grabbed a book that was nearby and walked over to her and my 'boss'. She looked very relieved to see me coming back, but she quickly hid it as the manager touched her arm.

"Here's that book you were looking for," I smiled to her. She smiled back while the manager's face fell.

"Oh, I see you already have help. I'll leave you to it then," he said before slinking away.

Lora turned to me and smiled as she sighed.

"Thank you so much for that!" she said.

"No problem, he's a creep anyway."

"Don't have to tell me."

I laughed as I walked with her over to the counter where Sam was. He straightened as we approached and he smiled at us. She smiled back at him but kept talking to me.

"So, you aren't into fantasy worlds?"

"Not really. Why are you?"

"Well, I think that these made up worlds are a lot better than the world I live in. I guess I'm just stuck in the thrid door of my mind."

I raised an eyebrow at her. She was weird. Lora laughed at my expression.

"Sorry, book reference."

"Ha, you'd get along perfectly with one of my friends. He's really into these fantasy worlds." Because he's a werewolf, but I'm not about to tell a human that.

"Really? If he's into these fantasies, has he ever been to ComicCon?"

I was silent a moment. Lie to her and make Jason look good? Or tell the truth and make him look lame? Lora shook her head and smiled at me.

"I didn't think he did."

"Well have you?" I asked, thinking I'd get the upper hand on her.

"Yep, twice."

I was surprised. Suddenly her phone beeped and she glanced outside before she looked back at me.

"Listen I've got to go, so I'll see you around."

"Yeah, definitly!" I smiled.

She walked out of the building and out to her car. As soon as her door closed I turned to Sam in a quick turn and he leaned back in surprise.

"Quick! What book did she buy?"

" about werewolves. Why?"

"I have a feeling we're going to be good friends," I smiled.


Hello everyone!

I know, this sucks for a first chapter because you don't learn anything about the characters. But give it a chance please!

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Cya guys later!

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