bonus chapter 1 pt1

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Hello everyone! I know i know, i haven't uploaded in almost a year!, but you legends have more than doubled the read count, i cannot express my gratitude, i only wish i started sooner when the anime didn't go bad, Anyways for you I have the first of many bonus chapters to come, this one is a star wars X tokyo ghoul note i don't own anything from this except for Jack as he is my oc, enjoy!


“Jack!” I hear Tooru exclaim pounding my door to which I groan slipping out of Eto’s grasp as I wrap her up in blankets and make sure she’s hidden “what is it?” I ask opening my door a little bit “there’s something outside you need to see” she says and i groan facepalming as i walk out shutting my door not bothering to get dressed as i come downstairs and look out the window to see a giant sphere in the sky, i can practically taste the floor with how agape my jaw is

Shirazu cackles in amusement while Saiko panics about how my body can even do this, picking my jaw up, I remember my formerselfs thoughts during my time in cochlea referring to a certain dark lord “what’s C.C.G doing about this?” i ask to which they look at me confused and i reply with the same look “Jack C.C.G now answers to the one eyed king directly, that being you” Haise says and i look at him as if he grew two heads “WHAT!?” i exclaim as i hear Eto’s petite footsteps coming down the stairs “aw~ did my king forget who he is again?” 

“Your highness” Urie says bowing to her and with it i’m soo confused and Eto giggles in clear amusement before I sigh “alright has this sphere made any attempts to communicate or released anything since it’s arrival?” i ask and they shake their heads “has anything been done since we realised a giant sphere is flying in the sky!?” i exclaim flabbergasted, all i see is shakes and i facepalm “have all kakuja and senior investigators lead an evacuation of the surrounding three blocks, i want all listeners at advantage points coordinating evacuation and defense, i want our top scientists scanning and theorising possible forms of communication” i say as i stretch and get changed into the uniform i see hanging in the corner of my room 

I'm not sure about the esthetic appearance of it but it’ll have to do “do i have a quinque Eto?” I ask curiously and she nods “by the door, you got a plan?” “I think I know who’s on that ship, care to give me a lift?” i ask looking back to my mint green haired shortie “anything for my king~” she purrs rushing to the window which opens as the one eyed owl transforms i smile jumping on her back as she flies to the sphere as we land all present bow “don’t waste your time bowing people, get going” “Always straight to the point aren’t you jack?” Eto muses as I stare up at the sphere 


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⏰ Última atualização: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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ETO'S HUMAN PET (ETO X OC) Tokyo GhoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora