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On our way home from the party, Bucky was silent the whole ride home. He hadn't said anything to me all night. He would just stare. When we got home I walked into the kitchen, Bucky had gone upstairs. I remembered the envelope I put in the drawer, I pulled it out to open it. Steve must have not said anything about it at the party. It was a mission report from 1996, it was a case file on Wanda Maximoff. She was enhanced, her powers are drawn from the Mind stone. It said she was exposed to the stone and that is how she developed her powers. I was enhanced as well, but my powers are from the Mind stone too. Why would Steve send this to Bucky?

I hid the report in the drawer again and went upstairs. Bucky was in the bathroom getting undressed as I walked in. He stared at me with his icy, steel blue eyes. He  started to walk over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I just wanted to ask him about the report but I didn't want him to question how I found it.

"I'm sorry about tonight, I just think there is more to why you don't want a baby right now. You know you can tell me, Melanie." He looked at me so sincere, I didn't know what to say.

"I want a baby, I just want to make sure you are going to be here the whole time."

"Of course I will be here, where would I go?" He seemed to cheer up at my response.

"I know you will be here, I'm saying that, I don't want you to be called on a mission and something happen to you."

"Nothing will happen to me, baby." He kissed my forehead and walked us to the bed. I had changed out of my dress into something more comfortable. We laid in each others arms, watching a movie.

I woke up to find the bed empty. I scanned the room to only find our cat, Alpine, asleep on the dresser. Bucky must have gone to the compound for Steve. Steve would always force Bucky to come to the compound even if we are in the middle of something important. It surprised me he didn't leave me at the alter for Steve.

As I walked into the kitchen, Bucky was holding the report I hid in his hands. My eyes widened, I was shocked he found it so quickly. Pouring myself a cup of coffee, Bucky started to question how he found the report.

"Melanie, what were you doing with this? It was for an upcoming mission with Steve, I needed this yesterday." He said with a frustrated  voice.  I just stared at him, how could I justify my actions?

"Well you see, I was going through the mail yesterday and I found that report. It was during our little discussion about a baby. I didn't want you to get distracted or leave in the middle of it." I tried to make up some excuse. " What is the mission even for? Her background is kind of similar to mine."

He looked at me with wide eyes, " You read the report? I thought you just hid it from me, why would you read it?" I shrugged my shoulders, it is what it is. " I didn't want to tell you about Wanda until we had her at the compound ready for you."

"What do you mean ready for me?"

"Wanda is one of the 6 Infinity Witches, like you. Steve and I don't know anything about how to control your magic. You are the only one that can help guide her into her new phase."

"Is it ever going to end? You and Steve are always looking for the next fight." I need to understand.

"Melanie, there will never be an end to this. There will always be another fight." He said feeling defeated.

"That is what you both don't understand. The end was when we got everyone back. We shouldn't try to stop chaos if there isn't any to stop. Buck, I need you to want to start enjoying life again." I grabbed his hands and leaned my forehead against his. "I love you, and I hate seeing you constantly worrying."

"Babe, I just need you to do this one thing for me and it will all be over. Trust us please." I sighed. I did not want to do this.

"I don't want this right now, Buck." It's selfish I want to keep our lives normal. It was constantly a battle and I can't do it anymore.
"What do you want Melanie?" He asked firmly.

"I want to discuss this another time. I can do this for you but just not right now." I was leaning my hands against the counter. All I could think about is how hard it was to escape reality sometimes. Bucky should know how hard it is to forget your past if it is always creeping up on you.

He came up behind me and just hugged me. I didn't notice I was crying. Bucky just stood there with me for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry, I love you."

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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