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I set my keys on the table by the front door and, looked at our new home. The house had a few things that needed to be updated but, we were willing to deal with it. Bucky and I bought this house a few months ago, we needed something to look forward too. It had been three years since we defeated Thanos and brought everyone back. The world was still at chaos, along with Bucky and his mind. He doesn't know his place in the world and thats is why we are here, to find a fresh start. I walked through the hall into the kitchen to find Bucky doing the dishes.

" I didn't expect you to be home so early, how did it go?" Bucky said. I had gone to Sam and April's house.

" It was just lunch. We didn't really have anything to gossip about. She did tell me that her and Sam are expecting."

" Expecting what? Did something happen?" Bucky sounded confused.

"Bucky," I giggled. " they're expecting a baby."

" Oh, that makes more sense." He gave a side smile.

I was going through the mail when I saw a letter from Steve addressed to Bucky. I hid it in the drawer as Bucky walked up behind me to hug me. He breathed me in and he tightened his hold around my waist. I never felt so safe in someones arms before, he just knew how to make me comfortable.

"I wanna have a baby, when can we have a baby? Let's make a baby." He said abruptly. My eyes widened and I quickly turned around to see if he was joking, he wasn't. He had such a serious look on his face I felt like fainting.

"I thought we said we wanted to wait until after we were done fixing up the house."

"We don't have that much more to do on the house and by the time we finish you won't even have the baby yet." I couldn't believe what he was saying, he never seemed to have an interest in something like this. I didn't know what to say to him, I wasn't ready for a baby right now. How could I tell him that without hurting his feelings? Bucky looked genuinely happy about wanting to have a baby, I couldn't crush him, not after everything. He was waiting for a response, starring into my soul.

"Can we talk about this later, maybe after the party or something?" I slipped out of his grasp and went upstairs. He quickly followed. We made it into our bedroom and I started to fold the laundry on the bed.

"What? I know we decided to have one after we were done the house but-" He said softly, you could tell that he was upset.

"Buck, I want to have a baby with you but, just not right now. Maybe in a month or so we could start trying. I am just not ready." I sat down on the bed and stared at him inside the door frame. He turned around and went downstairs. I could not believe that just happened, not in a million years did I expect to have that conversation with him.

Later that night, we had plans to go to the Avengers Tower, Steve was throwing a surprise party for Peggy. She was turning thirty this year so Steve wanted everyone to dress up. I was dressed in a strapless, long black dress with a slit on the side. I had put on the golden necklace Buck had gotten me for our five year anniversary. I put my heels on and walked down the stairs to find Bucky in an all black suit. He looked so handsome, but he was miserable from our conversation earlier. I know I hurt him and I didn't mean too.

"You ready?" he looked at me. I nodded and we walked out to the car. We drove in silence to the event. It felt like someone was choking me from the tension in the car. When we got to the party I greeted Steve and walked straight to April and Nat.

"A large glass of red wine please."

"Is someone having a rough day?" Nat said smirking.

"You were just fine a few hours ago." April looked shocked.

"Bucky wants a baby, I said no. You can understand the rest from there." I snapped, chugging my glass of wine.

" I will leave you on that note." Nat said, she walked over to Bruce.

"Why did you say no?" April asked.

"I want to finish the house first and I want to know that he will be there the whole time. Not leave for a mission of some sort. He already left me for 5 years, I can't lose him for another." I tried not to say it too loud.

"You have plenty of time to finish the house before a baby comes," She gave me a look. " you just have to put your foot down about the missions."

"I know, I jus-" I was cut off by Steve telling everyone Peggy is here. We all shouted surprise and went about our business. I walked over to Peggy with the boys and their girls standing with them. Bucky was standing opposite of me, he knew how to hold grudges when he was mad. I just brushed him off and joined the conversation. I was on my third cup of wine for the night.

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