Part 3&4

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In the morning, the first thing you did was to avoid geto or gojo. Thinking what happen yesterday and especially the stunt you did to geto what if he told that to his fans ordered them to bully you or make fun of you.

 At lunch you went somewhere less people because you might see them and when you find a spot you went there and sit. You felt relief that there's no geto or gojo has caught your eyes and succeed to avoid them. While relaxing there you open your book and read for peace mind.

You didn't notice that gojo was there and already saw you from the beginning, you didn't saw him because he was laying down there behind you not that far away. While looking at you he feel asleep without thinking anything, For the first time he fell asleep peaceful and no nightmares. When he woke up he suddenly sit up when he didn't saw there anymore. He look around and there's no more people around him, he look at his watch he notice that its already been 2hrs since he fall asleep

Then he suddenly think about you. He smirk while thinking that you might the reason of it and he become interested about especially when he remember you. The girl who's with geto at the bench.

He went to geto and as usual he saw geto with girls.

"Ehem, geto, can i talk to you?...private" He said and look the girls one by one making sure they get what he meant.

The girls understand him and leave. "What is it?" Geto asked

"Do you remember the girl you with yesterday in the bench?" Gojo asked with smile and his smile slowly disappeared when geto glared at him like he's some enemy that ready kill it.

"Why?" He asked and stand up. Putting his hands on his pocket.

"I want her..."Gojo said, purposely not finishing what he was saying

Geto's eyes widen and about to attack gojo but gojo suddenly talked again.

"I need to her help, asking as a rep class, geto." He continued and geto stop towards him.

At first geto didn't want to say it and look to each other like playing mind games.

Geto gave up. "Tch, i don't know, she's in the class beside us."

"Left or right?" Gojo.

Geto didn't talk for a sec and said. "Right..." He lied

"Left, then." Gojo said and turn his back on geto to look for you. He heard geto calling his name but he stop and ignored geto.


You couldn't believe who's IN front of you right now. It's gojo. He went to your classroom and asked for you and here you are, in the gym, alone with him.

"Hey, i'm gojo." He extended his hand to have a shake hands with you. "I'm Y/N." You said and take his hand. You tried to calm your voice, but in the inside, you are screaming and kneeling to thank every saints you knew.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not gonna do anything to you, i just wanna to ask if you-." He stop talked and you saw that he looked in your back so you turn around and see geto.

Looking serious and his hands of his pocket. He walked towards the two of you but not that close, but close enough to hear the both you. You heared gojo chuckled and you turn to him.

"You were saying?." You asked, not minding geto behind who.

"Ahhh haha, i see." Gojo said. You got confuse why he start acting weird when geto came.

"I'm just gonna ask you about the meeting for next week. I think I'll be needing some documents" he said while smiling, almost like stopping himself to laugh.


"Oh, yeah i have that one, when you gonna be needing it?".

" end of the class. Sorry for disturbing you, bye" he said walked pass you

Gojo whispered at geto "Wow, if only looks can kill,.. don't worry you came just in time, almost to ask her out but ahm...Bros before hoes, yeah?".

Geto glared at him. "She's not a hoe" He said to gojo.

Gojo just smiled at him finding his action, very interesting. "You know, if you want her, why not get her while it's early?, Who knows, she might have a boy with her later on." Gojo said.

"Mind your own business." Geto replied and walk towards you dumping gojo's shoulder.


Gojo left them

"Did i interrupt your beautiful moment with him, princess?" Geto said, trying to annoyed.

"Yeah, but thanks to someone, it ends quickly." You said and rolled your eyes on him and about to walked pass him but he stopped you by grabbing your arm.

"Well, its my turn now." He said and look at you seriously.


Sorry for not updating for like almost a week, because we had a family reunion and I'm so tired :'(.

I'll try to update for often.

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