Chapter 1054

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Matt's POV: When Gabby said that I have to learn spanish for the next time we get married/have a vow renewal, I was confused. Why exactly would I have to learn spanish? I mean, the only reason I would have to do it in spanish would be if...oh, that's why. At least, I thought I knew the answer (she might want to get married in her family's native Mexico)...I still need to confirm it. So, I decided to ask Gabby why exactly I had to learn Spanish for our next wedding. 

"Okay, so why exactly do I have to learn spanish?" Gabby looked at me and smiled. "Some of my relatives can only speak spanish. And I would rather not have to have an interpreter there. And, if we are going to invite them...I would like to have some parts of the wedding in spanish. Either that or all of it. I mean, we already had an English wedding. Think you would be okay with a wedding in Spanish?" I thought about it and sighed. "Would you be mad if I said no?"

Gabby was a bit perplexed when I said that. "Can I ask why?" I sighed and looked at her. "Because I want to understand the entire wedding. Sure, I can learn spanish but...I am not going to remember any of it on the day of the wedding. I am going to be nervous. Sure, we've already been married's different when you are doing it in front of a lot people. I mean, how many people are you thinking of inviting from your family?"

Gabby thought about it. "Maybe at least 100-150?" I sighed and looked at her. "So, they will be like 75% of the guests? The only people I would be inviting are my sister, my niece and my mom. They are all I have left family wise. So...that just seems weird doesn't it? Think about the reception. They would probably hang out by themselves in spanish. And then my family and our first responder friends? They hang out alone?"

Gabby then thought about it and nodded. "Okay, I get it. Maybe then just our friends and family that live around here. I mean, we can't let Antonio dictate who we have to invite at our wedding." I nodded and agreed. "However, there is one guest that I don't care what people say. He can't be at the wedding. Well two people." Gabby looked confused and then I said who. "Your dad and Peter." Gabby nodded and understood.

"Trust me, Peter Mills was never going to be at our wedding. Still too traumatized." I nodded and sighed. "Sorry for saying his name." Gabby nodded and looked at me. "Think you can put Matteo next to me? I would like to hold you close." I nodded and then moved Matteo to the bed, laying him down next to her before opening my arms so she could cuddle up to me more. Once she was laying down in my arms, I put my hand on her hip and kissed her shoulder softly.

Gabby then moved her hand to my chest and rubbed it. "Sorry I get so emotional when I think of him." I then moved my hand to her neck and rubbed her cheek. Pushing her head up, I looked into her eyes before moving to kiss her softly. I then took it slow with her as I felt her wrap her arm around my back and rub it. "You don't have to apologize for getting emotional about him. You were violated by him Gabby." Gabby then moved closer to me, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as I moved my hand to her butt.

"Gabby, you have to remember that I understand first hand what it's like to be abused by someone. I know exactly what you're going through. Right know, you are going through the guilt phase. You keep thinking that it was partially your fault. But, I can remind you right now that it wasn't. Gabby, don't do this to yourself. I just finished getting through it." Gabby then looked up at me confused. "What do you mean?"

I sighed and looked at her. "Gabby, I am your husband. I should've protected you more. It should've never happened. I had a bad feeling around that time and should've went with you." Gabby nodded and then wrapped her arm around me more. "Matt, don't feel guilty okay? You are not to blame for what happened to me." I nodded and agreed before moving to kiss her softly. I then moved my hand to her neck and smiled at her.

I was about to kiss her again when Matteo disturbed us. He started to laugh and wanted to be in between us. I chuckled and smiled. "Here, let's bring him back in between us." Gabby nodded and rolled over to grab him. She then moved him in between us and I went to tickle him. "You are definitely the worst when it comes to me wanting some attention from your mom."

He laughed and smiled as I tickled him. "But god you are cute." I then moved to kiss his forehead softly. Gabby then looked at me, smiling. "Listen, I am going to grab us a snack okay? I think we have some carrots and dip." I nodded and liked that idea. "Want to watch some TV while we eat?" Gabby nodded. "There's a new Dateline that's been recorded. I want to watch it with you." I agreed and smiled when she said that. "Sure thing. I'm just going to stay here." 

Gabby nodded and smiled as she got up and then walked away to go get us some carrots and dip for a snack. Meanwhile, I went to grab the TV remote so that I could turn it on while also playing with Matteo some more. Tickling him again, I gave him a whole lot of kisses as I got to spend a little bit of alone time with him while Gabby got us a snack.

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