And finally they flew away.

And out of sudden there were images fast forwarded incoherently until his view was upside down facing the sun...

And finally Phil woke up gasping for air, sitting on his bed covered in cold sweat product of the dream he had, he also felt... tears down his cheeks; his stomach this time didn't feel awkward compared to the day before, now his lungs felt breathless and his body wouldn't stop shaking like a leaf. It was just a dream again, one that ended with him in space. His eyes darted to every corner of the dark room and touched his body to know if he was fine or not, sighing relieved once he confirmed it was all right.

"Fuck..." He stood up and went to the bathroom to clean his face, his body felt stressed yet as long he didn't throw up it was all right, "I look like a ghost..." He said looking to the mirror, his skin was pale like the last day – shit he looked horrible, sighing deeply he had the intention of get back to sleep-- "Oh fuck!" He fell off and got hit on the side of his chest and nearly his head when there was someone standing behind his back, but of course when he looked there was nothing to see. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, you're losing your mind... Thought with his heart racing, at least he didn't hit his head and end in the hospital again.

Slowly he started to move quite sore and carefully to not trip again like a fool back to his bed, turning off the lights of the bathroom, sitting and then lying on his bed, checking on the digital clock before his eyes closed and shut back: it was 5:25 AM...

Wait... wait!

Chris in that moment was fast asleep (as an unusual event whenever they weren't on tour, which now was the case) after being up nearly the entire night – actually he fell asleep like an hour ago after composing another song that maybe would never see the light and inspiration could never wait because the idea would get lost in any moment; having his guitar next to his bed, some crumbled paper sheets on the floor with a half-sized pencil between his fingers,– showing he fell asleep mid-work as a usual Martin-style mess.

It should be noted he maybe was drooling a bit having dreams about chocolate while mumbling, "I don't know Blitz..." Fair to add he was also snoring softly, "I don't know what's going on..." It seemed he had a friend in dreams or something, "What do you mean...?" He turned on his bed, letting some of the crumbled pieces of paper fall, a couple fell on his guitar before reaching the floor, "Is that... actually possible...?" Then his pencil fell, "That... makes sense... I guess... this is... new for us..." And his body finally relaxed, "Hopefully we'll sort it out with time... thanks mate..." Even if it was in a slightly uncomfortable position, starting to snore again for a while.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Chris wake up!" Phil called outside, "We need to leave to the airport soon!"

The banging barely woke him up, grumbling softly as he wanted to sleep for like once in his life yet Phil insisted everyone around three times to wake up before they completely decided to ignore him and fall asleep again; quite like a zombie Chris rolled once, then twice until he sat on the bed looking still half asleep, "Oh fuck... do we have to go now...?" His eyes nearly shut again, nearly fall to the front sort of brought him back to reality, "I'm awake!" He exclaimed disorientated, "Shut the fuck up Blitz..." He turned to a side to stand up and look up for his clothes, "I'm gonna talk to ya' later, alright?" He smiled, rubbing his eyes surrounded by bloodshot for the lack of sleep, "I'll see or hear you later, whatever happens first."

He took a quick shower to wake up at least in part, get his clothes ready and his baggage before their ex-manager (who still acted as if he was) kicked the door to get them out: he had his passport, ID and all that stuff in hand to go, some money in hand to buy something to eat as breakfast – Gosh my head is spinning... –; then he walked out of his room, went to the ground floor being the first there, doing his check out and wait for the others half asleep.

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