Chapter Three - Refuge

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As chaos grips Mantle, Petro and Gungi as well as Yang's group aid the Happy Huntresses in the evacuation efforts. They soon agreed to use the Faunus Slums as the evacuation point. Joanna soon speaks to the people. 

Joanna: Citizens of Mantle, General Ironwood has abandoned you, but we have not! If you can hear this, gather any food and supplies you need to stay warm, then head to the Mantle crater. The Grimm are starting to make their way back into the city, but we can hold the line if we all come together. If we don't,'ve all seen what's waiting for us out in the storm. It's time to show your teeth, Mantle.

As the evacuation continues, Petro and Gungi join Yang and Oscar along with Jaune and Ren in evacuating a group of civilians to the crater. 

Jaune: Only take what you need.

Woman: The crater? Are you sure it's safe out there?

Yang: Absolutely ma'am.

During the evacuation, a group of Sabyrs ambush a group of Mantle civilians, but Petro and Gungi were quick to cut them down with their Lightsabers.

Oscar: Have the Grimm already pushed this far in?

Yang: No, I think those were more from last night. Still....Ren! If Jaune hits you with his Aura Amp, think you can mask everyone?

Ren: We can give it a shot, but it is a lengthy trip through Mantle.

Jaune: No, no, that's a great idea. We'll have a Grimm free journey all the way to the crater.

Gungi: <If there's a chance we can go through the evacuation without any violence, we should give it a shot.>

Suddenly, they overhear an elderly woman voicing her complaints. 

Old Woman: Do we really gotta shack up with those animals down in the slums? I'd feel a lot safer being up in Atlas.

Yang: Yeah, I'm sure you would. But the people up top have decided you're not worth the trouble. The Faunus, on the other hand, have been willing to lend all the help they can. Regardless of whether or not you deserve it.

As Yang becomes hostile towards the woman, Petro steps in. As Petro steps in, roaring was heard in the distance. 

Petro: You hear that? 

Old Woman: Of course. I'm old, but I'm not deaf.

Petro: That's the sound of a thousand terrible things heading our way. 

Old Woman: General Ironwood said we were going to Atlas.

Petro: And where is he? Cause I don't see him or his army anywhere. Face it, lady, Ironwood abandoned Mantle. And right now, we're your best shot at getting out of this alive. Now if you really don't want to be around Faunus who are risking their necks for you, then you don't have to. But know that Grimm don't care whether you're Human or Faunus. In their eyes, you all just prey. 

Petro's words silenced the other woman as she seemingly got on board with the evacuation. Gungi took the old woman's words personally even though it wasn't directed at him. Petro could tell that the old woman's words effected Gungi. 

Petro: Don't worry about it, big guy.

With that, the group escorted the civilians to the crater. Once they did, they met up with Joanna and Fiona Thyme at the crater. 

Joanna: You cleared 7 already? That's great! To be honest, I wasn't sure how you'd be doing without all of your teammates.

Yang: Well, as you can see we're doing just fine.

Oscar: But where are you putting everyone?

Fiona: We're working to get most of them settled in houses or other shelters. A large portion of the community is also trying to get old mine shafts into a livable condition.

Petro and Gungi looked around the crater to find the people talking to one another, trying to make the best out of the situation. 

Joanna: We've got a lot of people to keep warm. Looting the SDC refineries is our best source of Dust. Fortunately no one's getting arrested during the apocalypse. Just knowing those Grimm are circling out there doesn't feel great. What are they waiting for?

Suddenly, Fiona receives a report of a Grimm attack on a group of civilians in the eastern part of the city. Wasting no time, Petro and Gungi along with Yang's group made their way to the eastern part of the city where a group of civilians were attacked by a pack of Grimm. Yang's group were able to take down the Grimm without much effort. 

Petro: Well that was easy. 

Yang: We better head west. Looks like we got another wave incoming. 

As Yang said this, three Sabyrs began charging at them. Suddenly, the Grimm turned around began to run away, confusing everyone. 

Ren: What just happened?

Jaune: They ran. I've never seen Grimm act that way before.

Suddenly, a large Grimm tackles Oscar from above and throws him to the ground. 

Ren: Oscar!

A brawl soon erupts between Yang's group and the Grimm. The Grimm displayed remarkable skill as it grabbed Oscar and holds him between itself and his attacks. 

Yang: Wait! It's using Oscar as a shield.

Jaune: But Grimm aren't that smart.

Petro: Well clearly this one's smarter than the average Grimm! 

It soon became clear that the Grimm was different from all the other Grimm.

Ren: Let him go!

The Hound: No.....

As the Grimm spoke, everyone was in shock as the Grimm formed wings and flew away with Oscar. In that moment, the plan had changed for Yang's group. Yang, Ren and Jaune got on their hoverbikes while Petro and Gungi got on Revan's Swoop Bike and began chasing after the Hound in an attempt to rescue Oscar. 

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