I squint my eyes glancing over at him to which he grins.

"There's those beautiful green eyes!" A small smile tugs on my lips.

"Not grumpy, just exhausted." I mumble sitting up and crossing my legs. My eyes glare at the mossy ground as my fingers pick apart a yellow dandelion.

"Somethings bugging you, I can tell."


"Ah ah, nope, I'm right. Ever since the other night after the whole kiss you've been acting weird. Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to offend you, I-"

I shut him up by tossing the rest of the flower at him.

"It's not the kiss Newt and it's nothing to do with you." I snap flopping back onto the blanket.

"Well alright then that's good to know. So what is it then?"

"I went to apologize to Minho..."

A soft chuckle comes from him and I shoot him another glare.

"I suppose that didn't go well?"

"Not at all, slammed the door right in my face. I know I haven't been the nicest to him since being here but he hasn't given me a chance. And at least I've tried to apologize!" I throw my hands up frustrated.

"You did knee him in the groin love, and smack him."

"Okay he brought that on himself! I was simply protecting Ashlynn."

Newt huffs a laugh. "And Minho was protecting me from a girl with a machete."

I sit up looking at him with an exasperated expression. "Are you seriously defending him right now?"

Newt holds up his hands in defense trying not to smile but ultimately failing. "Fine, all I'm saying is Minho is not one to admit he's wrong. Plus I think he feels threatened by you a bit for being the first to stand up to him."

I sigh, ripping a few more flowers from the ground and picking them to shreds.

"He's a jerk is what he is."

"Give it some time, I'm sure things will work out." He nudges his shoulder to mine.


My eye catches on the same butterfly I was admiring earlier as it floats to us. A smile spreads across my face as it lands on his nose. A moment later it flutters away he beams over at me flicking my own nose. My face scrunches under his soft touch.

I stand up and he eyes me curiously as I walk through the field of flowers picking a few into a bunch in my hand, careful to avoid the ones with pesky bees lurking near.

When I have more than enough I make my way back to him dropping them onto the blanket as I sit.

I begin intertwining the flowers together thickly slowly creating a small crown. Each stem twisting together in a colorful braid.

Newt watches me in silence only handing me different ones as I work. I take notice that the ones he chooses are mostly the pale yellows and orange, happy colors that reminded me of him.

As I knot the ends together I hand it to him which receives a very confused look, the same look he gave me often. Laughing I take setting it on top of his blond hair. A few strands poke up in random directions as I situate the crown.

"It's a flower crown silly goose." He attempts to look up at, the look making me think of a puppy. Or what I could remember of one.

"Well how do I look?" He says giving me that lopsided smile.

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