Willow~ 6

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As I stomp further into the deadheads after a long day of work in the barn. I come upon the meadow hidden behind the pond.

After my small fight with Minho the other night I had wandered around to distract myself and found the beautiful clearing hidden within the small woods of the Glade.

Bright wildflowers litter every inch of it and yellow bumble bees buzz to each. Pushing through the tangle of weeds I try to avoid the threatening insects hoping they'd leave me be if I did the same.

I lay a blanket down in the middle of the clearing, the fabric billowing in the soft breeze the creators offered us today. It was a great break from the usual blistering heat.

It was around dinner time so the air had chilled quite a bit. Before coming out here I had stolen one of Newts hoodies from homestead knowing the lowering sun would take its heat with it.

The only reason I wasn't joining everyone in the dining room was mostly because I wasn't in the mood to sit in a room with Minho glaring daggers in my back, something he'd been doing sense my so called 'attack', or at least that what he told everyone. That he was viciously attacked by the new girl, utterly ridiculous, I was hardly new anymore. In a week we'd have a new greenie and I would have been here two months. Even if it didn't seem like a lot of time it sure felt like it. Everyone here already felt like family to me, well besides Minho.

At first I felt bad about the incident with him but Newt had reminded me that he deserved a reprimand after the accident to make sure it didn't happen again. Newt had also mentioned that past few mornings Minho has been double checking his watch with his. Even if it was deserved I still felt a little bad for my outburst but more than anything I was angry. I had tried giving my apology and the only thing I got was a door slammed in my face. If he wanted it to be that way then so be it.

I didn't even bother to meet the runners at the doors today, something I'm sure wouldn't go unnoticed. But again I knew if I went I'd only end up throwing the water at Minho and I really didn't want another scolding from Newt. Even a look at my pleading eyes and jutted out lip never worked on the Brit.

Speaking of the blonde before I pushed my way into the dense woods Newt had caught my eye running through the tall gray doors. I ignored the confused look he gave and made my way here. Being the mother he is, he'll ask me a million questions about it later. Ben will no doubt complain about not getting to see me and his partner only about getting his own water. Boys could be so whiny.

As I sit on the soft blanket laying on the damp cool grass a butterfly flutters above my head. I smile at the beautiful insect as it lands on a nearby flower. Taking a deep breath I take in the last of the golden sunlight of the day.

The clouds above me float by in big white clumps, some making out shapes as they go. The wind rustles the leaves sending a breeze adrift making the tall weeds look like an ocean of green waves.

"I've lived here two bloody years, how have I never found this place..." I hear a familiar british accent mumble as weeds snap under his boots.

I sit up, spotting Newt making his way to me with a huge smile plastered on his tan face.

"I suppose being a runner hasn't given me much time to explore."

I just hum in response and lay back down closing my eyes. A moment later a tall shadow blocks the sun from hitting my face.

"You're blocking my light." I mumble not opening my eyes.

"And you're taking up the whole blanket, scoot over." He flops beside me, shoving me over. Me and Newt have grown close over that last month and a half since I've arrived, so him being sassy was a normal thing for me now. Most of the other gladers didn't get to see the side of him that I did. "So are you going to tell me why you're grumpy?"

Sisters of the Gladeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें