Chapter 13

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At long last Charlotte stood in front of the door to Alastor's bedroom while holding a tray set with his meal. After taking a deep breath, she raised a fist and lightly knocked on the door.

"Leave me be Husk." She heard him say in a low, sad voice.

"It is not Husk." She called gently. "I have brought your supper. I know that you have recently been rejecting your meals but I made this especially for you. Won't you at least have a look at it?"

At the sound of her voice he became completely stiff. Not entirely sure if he had actually heard her or if his broken heart had finally driven mad. It couldn't be her, it just couldn't be. Yet he would know the sound of her melodious voice anywhere.

He weakly stood up from his bed and slowly walked toward the door. His hand had barely ghosted over the knob when he took a moment to hesitate. Then finally he opened the door and on the other side he saw his angel.

"I'm dreaming." He said in disbelief. "Are you real?"

"Yes I am." She answered.

But he still feared that she was merely an illusion his mind created, be it whether he was awake or asleep. His body trembled from both fear and weakness. He was overcome and his knees began to buckle. She quickly set the tray down on a nearby shelf and went to his side, helping him back into bed.

"You are so weak." She said feeling guilt ridden at the sight of him in this state. "Oh my dear one, how could I make you suffer so?"

But he did not give her a look of anger or sadness or disappointment as she expected him to. Instead he gave her a very weak but adoring smile. It was the first time in weeks that he had smiled and he raised a shaking hand to cup her cheek.

"I thought that you had deserted me." He breathed. "That you didn't even want to see me ever again." 

"No. Never." She pressed his hand closer to his cheek and held it there. "Oh forgive me my darling. Please forgive me. I was so foolish to hide from you."

"That doesn't matter anymore. You've come back to me so all is forgiven and forgotten."

She smiled at him tenderly and after staying like that for a moment she lowered his hand from her cheek and stood up.

"Don't go." He pleaded.

"Hush." She said softly as she returned to his bedside with the tray. "You've gone too long without food and it has made you ill. If you truly love me then please eat your supper so that you will regain your strength."

He did not argue. He only opened his mouth and allowed her to spoon feed him the stew. He found it to be very delicious and by the time he had finished it he had regained enough strength to eat the slices of bread and drink the tea on his own. Charlotte was relieved at this but she knew he wasn't completely healed yet. Now that he had eaten he needed rest but he had so many things to say to her.

"Who are you?" He asked. "Where did you come from? Why did you run from me so many times?"

"Sleep now." She soothed. "And come morning I shall answer all your questions."

"No I cannot sleep." He said fighting to keep his heavy eyelids from closing.

"You must." She persisted.

"No because I am afraid that this is a dream if I sleep now then you will be gone when I wake."

She moved the tray to his nightstand and laid down next to him in bed.

"You have nothing to fear. I promise I will be right here by your side when you wake up tomorrow and I will tell you everything you want to know about me."

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