"Die they take her?" Echo asked worried as well. "Yes. Someone has kidnapped V." I turn to the others. "And taken our stuff." Crosshairs kicked an empty crate over as empty packages tumble out. He doesn't act like it but he cares. "Tech. Can you find out who did this and where they went off to?" He nods and starts typing. Wrecker lifts up a crate still full of things. One of the few crates unopened. "Little thing? Where is little one at?" He dropped the crate is if it was nothing. "Wrecker they took her. They snatched her away along with your explosives." He gave me a shocked face. "Not my explosives! NO! Bad jerks are gonna get smashed!" He sounded like a five year raging about another kid taking their toys. I wonder if he even heard me saying they took V. I guess he doesn't understand yet.

"Got it. It was an insurgent that broke in and took our stuff and V. They ran to the open fields. Judging by their direction they might be staying in an old abandoned warehouse." I nod arming myself with whatever we've got left. "We're getting her back."
Wrecker slammed his fists together. "Yeah!" We all left the ship towards V's location. I hope she's ok.

*V's POV*

I yawned rubbing my eyes. I sit up and saw a light outside some flaps. Flaps? Light? Where am I? I was completely awake once I realized I wasn't on daddy's ship anymore. I paled a bit thinking the bad people are here for me again. I hug myself realizing my bunny isn't here either. There's talking out by the fire. Maybe it's the bad people. Daddy and uncles will come for me. Uncle cross and uncle Wreck will make them cry! I slowly crawl to the opening to see where I was. We were inside an old metal house. Except his house was really big. There was lots of crates and boxes everywhere. Oh! Gun! I reach out for it but hear footsteps getting closer. I crawl back inside where I was and pretended to sleep. Maybe the bad people will go away. I could hear a flap open and someone sighing then walking away. I glanced over my shoulder and saw no one so I crawled back out. I grabbed the small gun and followed an empty and uncovered trail to the fire. There was five people around the fire roasting white fluffy things. What are those? They look yummy. "Kid ain't awake yet." A scary voice said. It was a big man with Owies all over his face and neck. His left arm was a robot arm. "Well duh it's a kid. They sleep all night. Not like they're gonna wake up and kill us all." A few laughed as the scary man growled and huffed.

I gripped the gun. Were they gonna kill me? I don't wanna die. I also don't want anymore owies. I glanced around for an exit. "Hey! The kids here." I quickly look over spotting them all staring at me. I dropped the gun and I cried. I couldn't help it. I didn't want to get hurt anymore. "Hey hey. It's okay. Come here." I shook as I slowly walked to them. I was sat down beside a girl with half of her hair gone and other half is very long. "Here. Try this. You seem hungry." She put the white thingy on some hard bread and what looked to be chocolate. I sniffed it and it smelt good. "Try it. It's a smore. See the white thing is a marshmallow, this is graham crackers, and then some chocolate." I nod and took a bite. It's really yummy! So gooey and melty. It tastes very good. I hummed in happiness. "Want another one?" I nod quickly and she starts cooking another, marshmallow? Why do they call it that? That's such a big name for something so gooey and yummy. Maybe these aren't bad people. They seem like good people. Maybe they're daddy's friends and we're having a sleep over!

I still wish I had my bunny. I see another girl has her jacket off and there's a tattoo on her. I point at it. "What that?" She looks at me confused then at the tattoo and chuckles. "It's a tattoo of the empire. Isn't it pretty cool?" I tilted my head confused. Empire? What's that? I only heard people talking about it. Maybe it's a kingdom. Like at my old home! There was a queen in that kingdom. "Who's king? In empire?" I ask as she looks at me confused. "King? There is no king. Only the emperor. He's really strong." The girl cooking the marshmallow joins in. "I guess you could say he's like a king." I nod. So they do have a king. I was right. I was soon given another smore. Yummy! I started eating it. They smile at me except for the scary man. Suddenly the girl that was cooking for me gets shot by something and shakes really bad. I scream in fear and drop to the ground covering my head. Was it lighting? Was it the bad people? Soon my new friends started shooting but they were stopped by... Uncle Wreck! He knocked them down. Why? They were my new friends. "Stand down insurgents!" Daddy yelled aiming his gun at the scary guy. They nod and kneel down dropping their guns and knives. Uncle Echo picked me up. "Hi uncle!" I couldn't see if he smiled because of his helmet. He glanced towards my dirty face. "They gave me smores! They were yummy!" I giggle excitedly.

"What was inside the food you gave her?!" Daddy seemed really angry now. "Nothing! She seemed hungry so we fed her!" The girl who cooked for me yelled. She seemed really scared. "Please don't hurt her. She made me food. She's nice." Uncle cross took me from uncle Echo. "They're the ones that took you without asking kid. They're bad people." I gasp and quickly look at the people on the ground. "You liars!" I yelled and sniffled. I curled into uncle Cross crying softly. I wanna go home in ship. I want my bunny. Maybe that's where it is! Uncle cross carried me out and sat down outside. "You okay?" He started moving my arms and twisting me around quickly. "Uhuh! I'm okay uncle Cross!" He smiled hearing his new name but cleared his throat frowning. He then stood up. "That's good. Why didn't you try to leave kid? They could've killed you." I shook my head. "They were nice. They only wanted to help me." He shook his head kneeling down. "No. They are bad people. They shoot innocent people including children. They don't care. Please next time you get taken, you come running back to me understand?" I nod quickly. "Okay!" I smiled big as he picked me up. "Let's go back. I bet you're hungry." I shrug. "I ate s'mores but yeah! I'm hungry." I smiled big as he walked us back to the ship.

*Back at the warehouse*

Wrecker boomed with laughter. "Little one found our enemy for us! She's smart and brave to run into this!" Tech sighed shaking his head. I pondered at the events that just happened. I'm never leaving her by herself ever again. "Hunter come get some crates!" Echo yelled to me as he struggled to pick up a big crate. "On my way!" I yelled running to him.

The bad batch x child OCWhere stories live. Discover now