A Date To Remember

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I stared at him in surprise. Although I was about ninety-nine percent sure I knew what he meant by that, I couldn't help that last one percent of insecurity that refused to be silenced.

"Why? You don't like it?" I asked, my voice slightly disappointed.

"I love it. I don't think I've ever loved a piece of clothing more than I do that dress. Now, take it off," he repeated.

He wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. With his free hand, he started lifting the skirt of my dress.

"Victor, wait!"

"Don't worry, I told Philip to take the night off just now. He's long gone," he reassured me.

"That's not the point," I insisted, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

"What? I told you you wouldn't have that dress on long." He paused a moment. A mischievous smile filled his face. "Or is that the problem? You want to keep it on."

I could feel my cheeks burning as he said that. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, I saw the way you were enjoying yourself earlier," he teased. "Did I finally discover that secret kink you keep insisting you don't have?"

"Shut up!"

I tried to shove him away, but his arm tightened around my waist. He chuckled softly.

He reached out and played with a loose strand of my hair. "Hey, I never said it was a bad thing. I mean, I love seeing your body, but I'm willing to make a couple sacrifices if it means you enjoy yourself more."

"Th-that's not what I meant!" I insisted.

I'm sure my face was bright red by this point. It wasn't a complete lie, that wasn't what I meant. Originally. However, I couldn't deny the fact that when I thought about him taking my clothes off, I felt a little... disappointed.

I felt annoyed at this realization. For a couple reasons. First was the obvious problem of it gave him yet another thing to tease me about. That was the least of my worries though. What bothered me more was the way I felt ashamed of it.

I mean, fucking with your clothes on wasn't really that kinky. I'm sure it had to be somewhere more towards the vanilla end of the spectrum. So why did I feel so embarrassed by it?

Did I think that it, in and of itself, was something to be ashamed of? No. Was I really worried it was something Victor was going to hold over me? Not really. So why did I care so much? Why was I so worried about if he knew or not? He was right, if anything it would let me enjoy myself more during sex. So what was the problem?

Honestly, I think the biggest problem was the simple fact that he knew. That he knew there was this little trick he could do at any time to have me completely melt in his arms. And that thought scared me.

My mind was an empty mess earlier. I was completely at his mercy. I would have done anything for him at that moment, just to have him touch me more.

I mean, I loved Victor, and I knew he wasn't the kind of guy who would abuse that power in anyway that would hurt me, but it still scared me. Someone having complete control over me like that? Not knowing if I'd have the willpower to set boundaries or reject him? Even if I needed to? It was a Pandora's box I wasn't sure I was willing to open.

However, I wasn't sure if I'd have a choice. Victor looked less than convinced by my weak protests. He gave me an amused smile.

"Alright, I'll bite," he said playfully. "Then what did you mean?"

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