Whispers echoed around her, but she could not make sense of them, instead she focussed on another sound she could hear behind all of the voices screaming out at her in harsh whispers. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard, almost felt, the rushing of water, but instead of sounding crisp and clear, it seemed thick, almost like blood.

As if caused it was by her concentrating on the sound, she suddenly felt herself flying through the nothingness, surging towards something she could neither see nor hear, but somehow she could feel it growing nearer. Suddenly it was upon her like a huge wall rising up in front of her or a rearing stallion, thrashing wildly as it struggled to escape her consciousness. With all the determination she could muster, she held it still, brought it into focus, and suddenly she could see.

An explosion of light, an entire world enfolding in front of her made her stager in her mind.  The experience was beyond anything she’d ever felt before, even when she was flying. At first she felt unable to move, stuck in one place, while all around her strange bubbles grew and changed, their translucent edges reflecting each other and the strange mystical light that seemed to emanate from some unknown point ahead of her. The light seemed thin but warm, and appeared when she looked at it to be a pale, gentle yellow, but when it was reflected on the bubbles it changed, becoming a mixture of orange and pink.

As she stared in wonder at the nearest bubble, the world around her moved, while she stayed still. Her focus brought the bubble to her and it unfurled into other miniature bubbles and strange symbols. Looking at one, she heard once more the sound of rushing water and felt herself being pulled down, her boots stuck to something thick. Without any warning the sensation changed to one of pain as something cut into her cheek. Before she had time to dwell on these things she was pulled back to the bubble world, and then, with a sudden realisation, her eyes flew open.

Although the light of the real world seemed harsh to her now, and her mind was still adjusting to all she had seen, she threw her fist up into the air and called out, “This way!” As if their minds were linked, Fireflight broke out of the circle and dived back down to the forest. Returning to reality made everything crisp and sharp, including her thoughts.

“Hawkwing,” she tossed the words over her shoulder without looking at the boy, “There’s a stream near here, right?” The dragons had descended low enough now that they were flying right above the dead canopy, and Aspenleaf peered down through the darkness, searching for her prey.

Hawkwing’s words cut through her concentration, just loud enough to distinguish from the whistle of the wind, “I’m not sure you can really call it a stream, - It’s more like a river of mud – but it is very close by. Why do you ask?”

Aspenleaf ignored his question, “And thorns grow there, right?” When Hawkwing hesitated, she turned back to look at him. He was staring at her the way he always did when she had a plan that she hadn’t explained to him yet.

Eventually, Hawkwing answered, “Yeah, this part of the forest is covered in them.” Again, he looked puzzled, but apparently he thought better of questioning her this time. Aspenleaf surveyed the forest once more, before dropping back to let him take the lead.

“Show me.” This was Hawkwing’s chance to prove that he could handle himself in the field, that he was more than just a planner. If he was going to take part in the battle he would have to show that he could take the pressure. Hawkwing lead them to an area of the forest just like any other, and Aspenleaf was beginning to wonder if he’d made a mistake when an arrow shot past her, it’s dark, twisted shaft dripping with poison.

“Attack!” She cried, before another second could go by. Immediately, Crowtalon surged forwards, rushing to her side. Now, flanked by Hawkwing and Crowtalon, she leant in close to Fireflight who circled upwards away from the trees. On Aspenleaf’s signal, all three dragons released great plumes of fire which cut through the rain of arrows and the sick, twisted trees to the soldiers bellow. Suddenly, the trees were on fire, adding another element to their fight. Besides avoiding arrows, and swooping between each other, they now had to doge the leaping flames.

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