"Wahh we'll be working with trigger and re:vale again..i can't wait" sougo said happily

Yamato chuckled and said "that's not so bad .,working with the new movie after the vacation i meant"

"Ah but riku-san you have other schedule.,so i think you can't join the meeting" tsumugi said

"It's fine.,i'll do my best to catch up manager" riku said and smile

"We'll just tell rikkun about the meeting.,so i'll listen this time" tamaki said

"Arigatou tamaki" riku said

"But..isn't it a good news riku..we will be working with trigger and re:vale" yamato said while ruffling riku's hair

"Mhm" riku agreed and smiled but not as bright as usual

Seeing the force smile in riku's face make yamato shock

"Something matter riku?" Yamato ask

"N-no there aren't.,saa~ why don't we get to the van or we'll be late" riku said trying to avoid the topic

"Ah it's almost time.,we should get going or we'll be late" tsumugi said and walked towards the van

"Let's get going.,kujou-san will complain and lecture us if we're late" iori said and the others just nod at agreement


Idolish7 got their workplace.,when they got there.,trigger ofcourse was already there waiting for them to arrive

"Ohayo gozaimasu" iori greeted as they approached trigger

"Ohayo.,idolish7" ryuu and gaku greeted back

"We're sorry.,did we keep you guys waiting?" Yamato ask

"No.,you guys got on time.,we just got here earlier" gaku said

"Well seems like everyone is here., Should we get started" tenn said

"Ah hai"

"We got rehearsal then a live one next" ryuu said

"Who would go first?" Tamaki ask

"We'll be going first" ryuu said and idolish7 member just nod

Idolish7 watch trigger's performance in the other side

"Woah.,they we're awesome.,they were getting full blast even in rehearsal" nagi said

"Well trigger did their best in every situation though" sougo said

Riku watch his older twin dancing at full extent.,"tenn-nii" riku mumbles

The performance was almost over so riku try to sneak out to go to the bathroom but iori caught him before he could even leave

"Nanase-san where are you going?..it's almost our turn" iori said

"In the bathroom.,i'll be back shortly" riku said

"Just don't get lost on the way nanase-san" iori said

"Hai hai., I know that already" riku said and walk towards the door


"What's the matter ichi?" Yamato ask at the younger 

"Nothing" iori said

「What Is Death?」(idolish7 Fanfic) ✓Where stories live. Discover now