Chapter 6

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A/n: it took me for a while to update modules was too many ●︿●..please bear with me.. Anyways please enjoy this new chapter


The three-days limited already started and for the first day trigger perform.. Idolish7 even come to watch them.. And then after the day 1 end.. Idolish7 got to greet their fans along the way when somebody recognizes their group

The day after that idolish 7 perform for the 2nd day of the event on zero arena.. As they got to go back to dorm at night., suprisingly they got a unusual visitor

"minna-san you've got a visitor" tsumugi said as he lead the three person on the living room where the idolish7 is

"trigger?!!" Idolish7 said(more like yelled) in unison as they we're shock to meet those three late at night in their dorm

"why are you guys here?" yamato said and offer them a seat

"well, to sort things out?" gaku said

"tomorrow is the day.. Make sure you won't fail nikaido yamato.. Our plans start on you" tenn said and was glaring at yamato,who was now gotten scared at the preassure that he was feeling

"now, tenn don't put it that way" ryuu said

"well,we just do the usual right?" mitsuki said

"yeah,you're right. I hope momo-san will be able to sing tomorrow" riku said

"don't worry rikkun.. Momorin will be able to sing that's for sure" tamaki said and grab a pudding

"well, i'm glad you guys understand how important the event tomorrow is" tenn said and take a sip of tea that was served earlier

"i don't want to be rude but you guys shoul've text us.. This is not the only things that you want to discuss is it?" iori said plainly

"your sharp as always izumi otou².." gaku grinss

"well we decide to sleep here in idolish7's dorm after all we got same schedule for tomorrow" gaku contiues

"e-eh-ehhhhhhhhh!!?" idolish7 shouted due to the shock of what they just heared

"and so we can prepare early" tenn also said

"i-i hope you guys don't mind us staying?" ryuu said and smile

"e-ettoo we've got few rooms in the third floor but it was still not cleaned since no one was using the room" mitsuki said

"then i'll share room with yamato.. I don't really mind sharing with someone" gaku said plainly

"well i do.. Yaotome you.. You didn't even confirm me first" yamato said and readjust his glasses

"then yaotome-san will share at ossan's room.. And you guys?" mitsuki said questioning the other two

"wahh i volunteer to shared room with tenn-nii" riku said with a wide smile plastered in his face while raising his right hand

"riku?" tenn called out

"we share room when we we're little tenn-nii and i wouldn't really mind to share my room with you" riku said

Tenn smile and said "well if you insist,i dont really see a problem to denny your offer" tenn look at mitsuki "i'll be staying at riku's room" "wakatta.. How about you ryuu-san?" mitsuki ask

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