Chapter 11

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A/n: konnichiwa minna-san thanks for waiting patiently for this chapter i hope you'd enjoy reading this chapter


It's already past noon and the idols we're currently at their cottage actually they we're already eating their lunch together with their managers

"i thought we gonna win" tamaki said while eating his food

"don't talk while eating tamaki-kun" sougo scolded him

"atleast we have fun" gaku said while grinning at yamato and nagi

"what are you grinning at?" yamato said irritatedly

"well you guys didn't have a chance to finish building since it got washed away" gaku said while laughing

"we just can't get a nicer place to build idiot" yamato deadpanned

"now guys, stop arguing we are currently eating after all" ryuu said

"i wonder what will be the price" riku ask out of nowhere

"we'll just have to see it for our selves nanase-san" iori said

"you guys are lucky~..i wanna ask for pudding if i win gah~" tamaki whined

"it just because your not so creative tamaki" tenn said while sipping at his juice

"your supposed to help me tenten" tamaki said

"how will be i able to think about it when you we're always so loud?" tenn said and glared at tamaki which make the other one shiver in fear

"but it sure make me curious what will be the president give as a prize" yamato said while staring at the canned bear in his hand

"wah~ yuki you could atleast vote at me and gaku., your so unfair~ i wanna know the prize too" momo whined

"hush darling the best one is the one that will always win" yuki said that make momo whined more

"can't you atleast be considerate yuki-san?" gaku said at the older one

"well riku and iori's work really is great and bet you guys won't deny it too" mitsuki said

"ehehe arigato" riku said and smiled

"yeah right., how did you guys come up with it?" ryuu ask

"it was all iori's idea im just helping out" riku said

"don't give me all the credit.. It might be my idea but without the equipments nanase-san brought it won't look fancy" iori said straightly

"well good work iori,riku .,it was really beautiful" mitsuki said

"arigato nii-san" iori said

"gah this is unfair.,where did you even get those rikkun? Did you bring it knowing we will have a contest?or are you a psychic now?" tamaki ask

"ehh? No.. I actually borrowed it to someone" riku said innocently

Iori almost got choked in his drink when he remembered about that guy...aito

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