Chapter 19

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A/n: konnichiwa minna-san..waii too many modules to be done this week..oh i hope you guys enjoy this chapter


"Man.,days past by too fast.,now we're back to work again" mitsuki said while stretching his arms

The idols already got back from their vacation.,as for the moment the idolish7 members we're resting to their dorms since they had a film tomorrow for the new episode of their show

"I hope we can go bond with the others again" nagi said

"Mhm im looking forward to it" riku said cheerfully

"Ne,it's getting late.,shouldn't we head back to our room now?" Iori said

"Ehh?! It is?!" Riku exclaimed

"Keep it down nanase-san..also we got lot of works tomorrow.,make sure to get as much as sleep you need" iori said

"Mou.,i know it already" riku said and pouted

"Kawa--ehem..i just don't want our center to be lacking on sleep" iori said and look away

"Now now you two stop it.,childrens should go sleep now" yamato said

"Oi ossan.,you should go to sleep too.,we need to be early." Mitsuki said

"Manager said that she'll be re-announcing about our schedule for tomorrow right?" Sougo said

"Mhm.,there maybe some works that was added" iori said

"I feel sleepy..i'll be going now.,oyasumi" riku said as he walked to the door

"Sleep well nanase-san" iori said

"You too" riku said as he yawned before he opened the door

Riku got to his room and sat to his bed.,he took his phone and watch the last conversation he had with tenn

"He must be mad.,we didn't get go talk like usual, when i ask him about his real reason"  riku thought

Riku layed in his bed and turned off his phone

"What are you hiding tenn-nii?" Riku mumbled

"What should i do?.,i really want to to know what he's been hiding.,but i don't want to force him either" riku thought as he roll over and hug his pillow

"I can't help but think about it when it is about tenn-nii..should i keep my distance for a while?" Riku mumbled

"This isn't getting better.,i should just sleep" riku said and close his eyes trying to fall asleep


"Minna-san are you ready for today? will be a long day with lots of work for idolish7" tsumugi said

"Don't worry manager.,we'll do our best" mitsuki said

"Hai!., anyways there are kinda change in schedule.,especially riku-san's" tsumugi said

"Manager.,it won't overwork nanase-san right?" Iori ask

"N-no..i'll have him rest after" tsumugi said

"Is there anything new that we would work on manager?" Yamato ask

"Ah hai!., Firstly we'll be working with trigger in the show later.,and then a meeting for a new movie.,idolish7,trigger,and re:vale will be working on this" tsumugi said

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