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Aki looked into the grocery bags you dropped

Ugh now the fruits AND the vegetables are gonna be all bruised up, he thought to himself

He turned around and faced the suited woman

"Himeno what the hell was that?"

Her stance relaxed, she pulled a box of cigarettes out of her pocket "Oh come on you know I was just kidding around, your friend can't take a joke?"

"Look, I don't know what you're trying to pull but that was completely unnecessary"

She flicked her lighter, a small flame danced as she kindled her cigarette

"You seem a little on edge today Aki, have a smoke"

She stepped closer and blew a cloud of smoke into Aki's face, smirking behind the grey haze

"Stop it, Himeno. I'm not playing around"

"Jeez, you're in a bad mood. What's so special about her anyways? You've never delayed your plans for me?"

"Don't compare yourself to her. She's the only person I have left, so she's my priority now"

Himeno sulked "Oh come on, we've worked together all this time and you still don't consider me close enough to rely on? This random girl comes into your life and all of a sudden everything is about her?"

"You wouldn't understand, this is different" Aki said flatly

"I think I understand" she replied, blowing another cloud of smoke "seems like you're finally starting to think with your dick instead of your head"

"What? It's not like tha-"

"Your work has been sloppy lately and your attitude's been shit, maybe if you get laid it'll get that stick out of your ass. I completely understand" she placed the cigarette between her lips

Aki sighed "I have no idea what you're going on about, but I'm not here to listen to you complain about something that doesn't even involve you. Not that I owe you an explanation, but Y/n is the only person that matters to me right now. Just because we work together doesn't mean you get a special spot in my life. Work is work, we are only doing our duties and that is the only reason we're associated with one another. And if you have complaints about my quality of work then request for a partner change, I won't stop you."

Aki snatched the cigarette from her lips and dropped it on the ground "and that's for bruising the fruit"


Author's Note

Hi hunnies, here's a short chapter. I'll upload another one tomorrow after work, just revising & all that jazz :)

Thank you for over 4k reads I looooooovE you all so much

On a side note- sorry the plot has been a lil slow, it'll pick up soon ;)

bye for now :)

The Pain we Share || Aki HayakawaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang