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How did you let such a good night turn to shit, you wondered

Why did you always do this to yourself

Why couldn't you just pretend and be happy for a little while longer, even if the happiness was coated in a thick lie

You were so caught up in school and work that you nearly forgot the empty feeling that constantly followed you around

You sighed and pushed your apartment's door open, kicking your shoes off and making your way to the bathroom, walking across the living room in pitch black

You turned on the light and stared at yourself in the mirror, your face veiled with disappointment

You reminded yourself that your life was more complicated than this. How naive of you to think that being with someone could come that easily

Fleeting happiness. This is how my life is

You wondered if things would ever change

You washed up and got ready for bed


You flicked your bedroom light on and raided your closet for pajamas

"Oh, you're home" a groggy voice came from your bed

Startled, you spun around

"Who the fuck-"

Aki sat up in your bed, his hair ruffled and his clothes wrinkly from laying down. He squinted from the bright light, his eyes slightly puffy indicating that he had fallen asleep

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" his voice was scratchy

"What on earth are you doing here? You have to stop surprising me like this, you can't just show up at my place whenever you feel like it y'know?"

"I told you I would wait up for you. You just never listen to me because you're too busy in your own world"

You grew angry "Shut up. I never asked you to wait for me"

You stormed out of your room

"Oi, whats wrong?" Aki called after you, sliding off your bed to follow you

You locked yourself in the bathroom "Nothing"

"You can't lie to me"

"I said nothing, go back to bed and leave me alone"

"The dinner didn't go well? Did Kurose try something?" he said concerned

You quietly changed into your pajamas, leaving your dress scrunched up on the tiled floors

"Hey i'm talking to you, what's wrong?"

You sat on the edge of your bathtub, immersed in your thoughts, ignoring Aki

"Are you taking a dump or something?" he mumbled quietly

"Oh my god Aki" you unlocked the door and abruptly opened it "Does it look like i'm taking a dump?"

Aki leaned on the door frame, he looked at you in a serious manner, his hair falling to his eyes

He pointed at your face "well your face kinda looks constipated" a small smirk grew on his face as he tried to hold back his laughter

"What did you just say? You are such a child" you took a step towards him and tried to push him back with a shove to his chest

He laughed and caught your wrists before you could push him back

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