Shino: "My god... That poor child had to go through all of that but... What happened to the horrible man who did all of that to her?"

Aizawa: "We don't know. We heard that the police and pro hero "Snatch" tried to stop the League of Villains from attacking a truck that held Overhaul inside. They failed and the villains had Chisaki, we didn't know what they did to him. But after to the truck and they cleared out the fire, we saw that the villains chopped off his arms because he needs his arms to activate his quirk so now his somehow in a way... "Quirkless", after that they patched his arm and sent him to prison."

Ryuko: "Well I'm glad that he's behind bars"

Tomoko: "Hey guys! I got Kota now!"

She held the small boy in her arms because he was sleeping, Tomoko then gave him over to Shino.

Shino: "Thank you Tomoko"

Tomoko: "No problem!"

Aizawa: "Alright, I'm gonna head to the dorms. You can follow me if you want to drop Kota off"

They nodded and headed to the UA Height's Alliance, Aizawa opened the door to the Common Rooms and sees his green haired student awake while sitting on the couch, Izuku noticed his teacher in front of him.

Izuku: "M-M-Mr. A-Aizawa! W-What are you doing here at night?"

Aizawa: "I should be asking you that Problem Child, what are you doing up so late?"

Izuku: "I-I'm sorry! It's because that I was working on my homework assignment before I head to bed"

Aizawa simply pinched the end of his nose as he just sighed.

Aizawa: "Alright, I'll let this slide this once. But you need to do something"

Izuku: "A-A-Am I in trouble?"

Yawara: "Haha! Not at all young man. But we need you to take care of Shino's Nephew while we're off to a meeting with your school's principal, and he called all of them. From the top 20 heroes and the others.

Aizawa: "And not only Kota to take care of, but Eri as well. So can you do that Problem Child?"

Izuku was quiet for a few seconds.

Izuku: "I'll take care them, Sensei"

Aizawa: "Alright here you go"

Aizawa and Shino hands the two sleeping children to Izuku, he takes them but they Immediately clinging on to his arms while still asleep. Izuku had trouble to balance but he managed to stand as he sat back down.

Aizawa: "Alright, we'll be back. But make sure to get some sleep"

Izuku: "Y-Yes S-Sensei!"

Tomoko: "Good luck Kitten!"

Aizawa nodded before he and the Wild, Wild Pussycats headed back outside. They reached the place where the teachers were and he saw Hizashi and Nemuri.

Hizashi: "Shota! Glad to see you and uh... you brought the Wild Wild Pussycats along?"

Aizawa: "They came here because just like us, Nezu also called them too"

Nemuri: "Well we better hurry, Nezu is probably waiting for us right now"

Aizawa: "Let head in"

They enter the building and head up to the top floor and head into the door of the Teacher's Lounge.

Aizawa: "You said that the meeting that Nezu held is here?"

Hizashi: "Yup... Let's go in"

Aizawa opens the door and they see Nezu along with multiple other pro heroes like Hawks, Miruko, Ryukyu, Fatgum, Lock Rock, Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, Endeavor, Kamui Woods, Mt Lady, Cementoss, Hound Dog,Centipeder, Gang Orca, Vlad King, PowerLoader, Ms. Joke, Death Arms, Ectoplasm, Wash, Thirteen, Snipe, Bubble Girl, Uwabami, and Gran Torino along with Nezu and All Might and his friend Tsukauchi talking to each other.

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