Tempestus Scions

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Carnicos XIII looked like a glittering marble as we drew close, the cruisers many halls were mostly silent save for the occasional mechanical thunk or the footsteps of the many voidsmen. 13 stared out across the open expanses of the Void, a boiling cup of recaff held in his hand. The scalding ceramic did nothing to 13's hands. He was far past caring, endless hours of chores and training had worn away the creases. Both in body and mind. 13 was a shattered blade, reforged and made stronger. Like all other Scions. 13 turned away from the windows, he took a sip from the bitter recaff. The tangy taste lingered in his throat as he parused through Sternwrought's decks and chambers. Voidsmen and armsmen alike all kept a wide berth from him talking in hushed tones and accusatory whispers, it was of no matter though. He was used to this treatment by common soldiery. 13's cup was empty by the time he returned to his quarters. The rest of his comrades were either asleep or engaged in other time-consuming acts, the ten-man squad was hastily squeezed into a chamber that would normally fit 4 men at best. 13's soldiers had done more with less though, 13 felt small amounts of pride at that. 13 sat heavily on his bunk, he looked up at the man opposite him. "72, how long until we hit that planet?" 72 looked up from his most likely illicit data-slate. "About three hours Tempestor.'' 13 sighed and laid back, three hours was good enough. "72?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Give the other lads a turn on that thing."

72 grinned.

The Valkyries hold was quiet, save for the shuffle of feet and rustle of uniforms. Occasionally, some of the scions would spark up a story or joke and the hold would fill with light laughter and chuckles. But otherwise the ride to Carnicos XIII's surface was silent, tense, and filled to the brim with anticipation. 13 sat at the forefront of the troop bay, his chainsword draped across his  lap and his volatile plasma pistol safely in it's holster. Every Scion was briefed on their mission, and 13 relished in his troop's uplifted mood. A good mood makes you more likely to listen, and for an operation so delicate as this one. Obedience was everything. 13's vox bead sprung to life, "Approaching the target area Tempestor." said the pilot of the Valkyrie. 13 stood up and gestured to his men to do the same. Wordlessly they stood in unison, the dry clicks and hums of weapons powering up and power coils being connected harmonised like the music of war. And 13 was the composer.

The Valkyrie's back ramp opened and the Tempestus Scions of the 734th Thenxa Wolves dropped like bombs on their target. Each scion was equipped with a grav-chute, the pieces of technology strapped to their backs allowed them to control their fall. Much like a conventional parachute, albeit much more effectively. Perfect for the rapid-drop strikes of the Militarium Tempestus. The elite stormtroopers silently streaked towards their objective, an ornately built castle on a hilltop. Far above the common citizenry, forever showing who was superior. The castle belonged to aristocrats and power hungry bureaucrats of Carnicos XIII, these leeches had been conspiring with foul xenos. They believed themselves far enough away from the guiding light of terra, and in turn far from the influence of the Imperium. 13 and his Scions were here to show the opposite. Even as they raced towards the castle, the starships of the Imperial Navy were deploying more Scions to plant explosives and assassinate key targets. 13 was simply another cog in the sudden surprise laying in wait for the slimy xenos and their traitorous compatriots. 13's training kicked in and the tactics and teachings that were drilled into him took the reins, he brought his knees up and relaxed his legs. With nothing more than a slight hissing and a barely audible thump, 13 and his comrades were on the castle walls. 13 had landed himself behind a Guard, the guard had not noticed the Scion until he had a gloved hand around his mouth and a long dagger stuck between his ribs. 13 cradled the perished body as it fell, not letting the sound of the kill alert others. Around the castle walls, his Scions were dispatching guards and casual citizens in similar ways.

Soon every Scion surrounded a large glass dome that protruded through the roof of a large chamber. The sight inside made bile rise in 13's mouth, the aristocrats that ruled over the planet were...parading the xenos around. The traitorous rats were throwing the aliens a feast! The various lords and ladies sat around a great table covered in the best cuts of meat and the finest vegetables 13 had ever seen. They sat there laughing and cheering as the xenos filth spun their lies and manipulations. And they drank it up like it was a fine liquor. 13 felt nothing but hatred and disdain for these wretches and dregs of the emperor's domain. He wanted nothing more than to jump down there with his chainsword and carve them up, piece by pathetic piece. But he had a mission to complete. He activated his vox bead and spoke softly, "Squad Thirteen in position. Awaiting orders." The crackle of interference filled his ear as the response came. "Affirmed, look to the skies. The second sun that erupts there will be your cue." 13 relayed this information to his men. As one they looked up, awaiting the signal.  

After several minutes, 13's disdain and impatience only grew. The filth that merrily ate and drank below him did not deserve this long. Suddenly, a large blossom of fire erupted and spread across the inky dark of the night. Carnicos XIII's orbital station had been breached and several explosives had been planted by various Militarium Tempestus Kill-teams. The shockwave of several thermonuclear bombs and the overloading of traitor starship's reactors washed across the fertile and beautiful lands. The lords, ladies, and xenos scum looked up in abject horror and confusion. The shockwave struck the castle and the ornate panes of glass shattered, the nobles ducked and covered their fine linens. With a simple gesture, the Scions of the 734th Thenxa Wolves stepped over the brim of the shattered glass dome. The traitorous filth and inhuman scum looked up once again, the grim helmets and raised weapons of the servants of terra and the imperium would be all they saw in their final moments. After a moment of hesitation to really cement fear into the souls, they opened fire.

All across the globe of Carnicos XIII Loyal servants of the Emperor were exacting their vengeance on disdainful citizens and silver tongued Tau. Key infrastructure was destroyed, xenos generals were assassinated, noblesse was promptly executed, all done quickly and quietly. At the same time, in the Tempestus way. With one decisive swoop, the world would descend into chaos. Accusations would be thrown around, the xenos would think it was the work of Carnicos XIII. While Carnicos would believe this to be the work of the Tau. War would erupt. The Tempestus Scions had been careful not to cripple Carnicos XIII too much, as then they would be overrun by the foul xenos. Imperial reinforcements were already on the way, in the form of the very Scions that started the war and their Imperial Guard friends. Who were luckily only a short warp jump away. With this strategic play, a non-compliant world was brought back in the imperial fold. And nobody would be the wiser. Save of course, for the Tempestus Scions of the 734th Thenxa Wolves.

All in a day's work.                    

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